

    From "Flower Learning" to "Wood Learning": Why I Don't "Curse" Song Dandan

    After a lapse of 5 years, "Flowers and Teenagers Camping Season" (hereinafter referred to as "Flowers and Teenagers 4") is back. Many viewers are looking forward to the resurrection of "Flower Learning", which can save the increasingly boring domestic entertainment variety shows in recent years. , Unexpectedly, after the main feature of the program was broadcast, #花儿和青年旅舍# became a hot search. Continuing to watch the second episode, the show is not boring, but if the audience is watching this season with the expectation of "Flowers and Teenagers 2", then their expectations will be disappointed. Resident guest of "Flowers and Boys 4"

    Resident guest of "Flowers and Boys 4"

    "Flower School" closed, "Wood School" opened. "Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom Dock - Seaside" (hereinafter referred to as "50 Kilometer Peach Blossom Dock 2"), which was broadcast in the same period, was on the hot search list. Especially in the first episode of the show, in the dispute between Song Dandan and several celebrities, many viewers showed the enthusiasm of "flower learning" and analyzed each guest's reaction and expression in this conflict frame by frame, "Woo Learning" came into being. "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom 2" poster

    "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom 2" poster

    One is bland, one topic is constant, and one can't help but ask: Do audiences really love "tear" in variety shows more?
    Let’s put the conclusion first: in fact, it is not the audience who loves to “tear”, but the slow variety show narrative mode of “love each other and the family”, which has made the audience aesthetically fatigued; rather than saying that the audience loves to “tear”, it is better to say that the audience is eager to Reality shows see real people interacting with real people. Song Dandan is indeed the old generation, but she provides the rare "truth" in reality shows, even if this "truth" is not pleasing.
    Templated "Dating and loving family"
    Under the influence of the epidemic, "Flowers and Teenagers 4" has been unable to allow guests to travel abroad as in the previous three seasons. The show catches up with the recent hot camping vents.
    Several guests are all camping novice, and the beginning of this camping trip is destined to be ups and downs (Zhang Kaili joked that they went to "The Metamorphosis"), which has become the source of almost all the dramatic conflicts in the show.
    Several resident guests of the show, Zhang Kaili, Liu Mintao, Yang Mi, Li Sidani, Zhao Jinmai, Han Dongjun, Ding Chengxin, are generally very close to the audience and get along very harmoniously. As the head of the group, Yang Mi is serious, responsible, has strong organizational skills, and can take care of the feelings of each member. Of course, after so many years in the entertainment industry, she is quite familiar with the routines of reality shows, and there is nothing in her behavior that will give the audience a chance to "scold". Yang Mi is quite reliable as the head of the group

    Yang Mi is quite reliable as the head of the group

    The difference between Liu Mintao and her role is the biggest. In private, she is very delicate and sensitive. At the beginning of the show, she was emotionally broken several times because she was not feeling well and was worried about dragging everyone down. Although the next preview of the show will "do things" and think it will be "tear", this is just a trick of editing, and everyone gets along very harmoniously. Liu Mintao shed tears because of physical discomfort during the show

    Liu Mintao shed tears because of physical discomfort during the show

    "Flowers and Boys 4" is actually the general style of slow variety shows in recent years - the guests are very good, get along very harmoniously, and the tone of the show is very warm; 6" can be seamlessly connected.
    It's all very warm, but why is the hot search "boring"?
    The program is completely different from the "flower study" temperament expected by the audience, and the audience has a gap. The audience felt "boring", and more pointed to the template of the slow variety show narrative: the relationship between people is "love each other as a family"; each guest is very "sensible" and very "cautious" - they Bear hardships and stand hard work (worry that they will be scolded by the audience if they don't do things), they will tolerate each other (even if they are patient in their hearts), they blurt out all kinds of positive energy words (knowing that the show needs to be raised)... It is not ruled out that the nature of some stars is like this, but slow variety shows If the stars in the show are like this, the audience will lose interest. Everyone is really "sensible"

    Everyone is really "sensible"

    The moment that makes people feel very abrupt in "Flowers and Teenagers 4" is that when everyone met on the first day, they simply cooked and sat down to eat together. Everyone sang together. The voice-over is the warm speech of the guests. Han Dongjun said, "Suddenly it makes me feel like home, and the family is very lucky and happy when they go out to camp"; Zhao Jinmai said, "I feel like I took the first bite. It's a bit like the taste of cooking at home"; Li Sidani said, "Suddenly I feel like I want to stay with everyone, it feels quite wonderful"... This relationship progresses at the speed of light, the guests are emotional Sublimated, the audience must be heartbroken. It's really "warm"

    It's really "warm"

    But returning to the position of the program or star is not incomprehensible to their approach. For the program group, orientation is very important. The route of "love each other" is definitely safe and will not step on the "red line" of the policy. For celebrities, they know that the editing of variety shows sometimes loves to "do things", and the audience will use a magnifying glass to review their performance. They will naturally have a sense of "anti-investigation" and always remind themselves that some minefields must not be stepped on. , even if you pretend to be a good person, you have to pretend to the end in the show.
    Over time, slow variety shows are all very similar in positive energy, and stars are strictly covering their real selves.
    Behind "tear" may mean "true"
    Let's take a look at "Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom Dock 2", which is a social observation reality show that allows 15 stars of different ages, different status in the entertainment industry, and different personalities to live together in a community for 21 days and pay attention to their social collisions. Compared with the first season, this season has set up many new rules (such as sleeping in Chase, and exiling a person who is "disliked" by all members every three days), and the "social experiment" color of the show has become more intense. "There's a lot to do.
    The famous 9 minutes of the first episode of the show's hot search list will not be repeated here. The reason why Song Dandan's performance caused such a big backlash on the Internet is because we can see the shadow of parents or leaders in her, and the young audience's sense of substitution, mainly the feeling of "victim", is particularly strong. Song Dandan and Li Xueqin have a dispute

    Song Dandan and Li Xueqin have a dispute

    For example, she is sometimes very strong, and what she says is what she says, almost "one word", if others object, they will immediately respond in a row. Another example is that she just looks very open-minded and is willing to listen to different opinions, but in the end she insists on her own opinion. Another example is that she is very keen to belittle you. Even in front of everyone, she speaks without mercy. To say that she hates you, she runs on you because she may like you... Wang Sulong's emotional intelligence and stomach volume, I have nothing to say

    Wang Sulong's emotional intelligence and stomach volume, I have nothing to say

    But if you want to call her a "bad person", that's not the case. Like her proposal to have a bonfire party, she also thinks that this can shorten the distance between everyone; and, she is not a person who just talks and does not do it, she has a strong executive power, just follow her arrangement.
    It's just that the younger generation doesn't like the arranged life, even in the name of "for our own good"; they don't like belittling, suppressing, and negative education methods, and are fed up with the smooth, muddy, and flattering social rules ... Therefore, netizens will vent their anger at home and in the workplace to Song Dandan, and transfer their disgust for individual colleagues in the workplace to Yoko Ramei.
    It is understandable that some viewers don't like Song Dandan, but it is also very emotional to go to Song Dandan's Weibo to scold him, or give a one-star negative review to the show. On the one hand, at the beginning of the second episode aired last Sunday, Song Dandan immediately apologized to Li Xueqin (she was worried that Li Xueqin was unhappy when she returned to the house); sat with Wang Chuanjun and actively exchanged ideas and expressed apology; and then went to the house to praise Wang Sulong, also Expressing apology... There are several strong "leaders" who will do this, and there are also many "parents" who do not apologize, so some netizens are full of malice towards Song Dandan in just 9 minutes, which is obviously overdue. After the meeting, Song Dandan took the initiative to apologize to Li Xueqin, Wang Chuanjun, and Wang Sulong

    After the meeting, Song Dandan took the initiative to apologize to Li Xueqin, Wang Chuanjun, and Wang Sulong

    On the other hand, I don’t know if these audiences have thought about it: if Song Dandan knows a little more about the routines of reality shows, does a little research on the preferences of young audiences, and behaves “a little more sensible” in the show, then there will be no such embarrassment. 9 minutes; without all these real social reactions, some are just a "variety artist set" created for the show, "Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom Pier 2" will become another version of "Longing for Life" or "Hua'er" "With Teenagers 4", everyone is "loving each other on a blind date" again, will they also be on the hot search because of "boring"?
    Therefore, as an ordinary variety show observer, the author is rather grateful that people like Song Dandan still exist in the variety show industry - not because she agrees with her actions, but because she is a "real person" who dares to reveal her truth in reality shows. That side, even if this side isn't perfect. Without "real people", it is difficult to have a good-looking reality show, and there will be no so-called "Flower Learning" and "Woo Learning".
    Looking back now, the premise for the existence of "Hua Xue" is that several female stars in the show group are usually really difficult to get along with, and they still don't get along well in the show, and they did not "pretend to be sisters" in the show. Perhaps their reality show experience was limited at the time, or their personalities were too distinct, and there was no way to hide their true selves, so the show had such wonderful and famous scenes that we could watch over and over again. As long as they are "sensible" and "pleasant", "Flowers and Teenagers 2" will not be like this. Yang Yang, who participated in "Flowers and Teenagers 2", once "has lingering fears"

    Yang Yang, who participated in "Flowers and Teenagers 2", once "has lingering fears"

    Some viewers love "Flower Learning", not necessarily because they really like dog-blood conflicts, but because they are eager to see real people, real reactions and interactions in reality shows. When Xu Zhiyuan was a guest in "Longing for Life 6", he said something very reasonable. He said, "Actually, I occasionally hope that everyone has a little conflict, because conflict will mean a more in-depth communication." Sometimes there really is conflict before there is real communication

    Sometimes there really is conflict before there is real communication

    Indeed, the 9-minute conflict was also a "deep exchange", triggering in-depth discussions on intergenerational, family relationships, workplace relationships, etc. Song Dandan is even more "upright" than those juniors who only mess with the mud, coax, secretly pass on dissatisfaction, expect others to be heroes and play football. Of course, there is no need to blame the younger generation, after all, the status and voice of the two are not on the same level.
    It is worth mentioning that the audience does not accept all the "tears" according to the order. On the contrary, we detest the topics and conflicts created through the script or the evil cuts, and are disgusted with the "false truths" set up by those who sell "upright" characters. "It's also very disgusting. They're akin to the false warmth that some shows create, and they're all pretty boring in nature.
    Lack of tolerance comes at a price
    In the week of the premiere of "Flowers and Boys 4" and "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom Dock 2", "Longing for Life 6" just came to Xu Zhiyuan, and the three programs formed a good contrast, which became a good opportunity for us to observe reality shows.
    I originally thought that Xu Zhiyuan was not on the side of this show, but I didn't expect this episode of Xu Zhiyuan to be the best episode of the show so far. Did Xu Zhiyuan do anything in particular? No. He's just being who he really is. Before coming to the show, Xu Zhiyuan asked the program team, "Can I be idle and lazy?" The program team replied, "Yes, but you will be scolded by the audience." Then Xu Zhiyuan said, "I don't watch TV anyway, it doesn't matter."
    He likes to be alone. When he comes, he wanders outside the mushroom house. He has almost nothing to do with other people. He Jiong joked that "Xu Zhiyuan recorded another show by himself"; Sitting on the beach, chatting with local residents, helping the people carry the burdens... Xu Zhiyuan accidentally broke the program paradigm we are familiar with and used to

    Xu Zhiyuan accidentally broke the program paradigm we are familiar with and used to

    After watching so many episodes of the program, the audience knew for the first time where the young people in the village went and what the market price of seaweed drying on the beach was; the audience was also surprised that Xu Zhiyuan lived a "longing life" , instead of chatting with familiar or unfamiliar people as soon as you come to the mushroom house, and then starting to do tasks. Finally, everyone must be in order and repeatedly emphasize that "we are a family that loves each other." Originally only Xu Zhiyuan sat alone, but then everyone went over to sit in a row

    Originally only Xu Zhiyuan sat alone, but then everyone went over to sit in a row

    Xu Zhiyuan said, "I especially want this feeling of escaping from home. It provides warmth, but this warmth comes at a very high price." Isn't that the case with today's variety shows? Especially for a series of slow variety shows, the "price of warmth" is too great. Xu Zhiyuan's words are thought-provoking

    Xu Zhiyuan's words are thought-provoking

    What is worrying is that now the atmosphere of social networks is becoming more and more "conservative", and some viewers are more and more demanding that the stars in reality shows must not have any flaws, otherwise they will give the show one star and go to the star's Weibo. To carry out cyber violence, use all kinds of hot searches to slander the whole network... Now everyone wants to see the embarrassing famous scenes of celebrities, only through "archaeology", the taboos and restrictions of celebrities in the past will be much less, and today's celebrities are not allowed to Not "sensible" or "pretend to be smart".
    The lack of tolerance of public opinion has a price. It will only cause there are no "real people" in the entertainment industry, only "personal designs". Everyone in variety shows wears a "sensible" face. "It's getting boring. Isn't it self-contradictory that the audience can't stand the imperfect "truth" and at the same time find the fake harmony "boring"?
    Therefore, even if you don't like Song Dandan's individual actions in the show, you don't have to follow her Weibo comments to "swear"... Be tolerant of the truth. Reality shows need "real" contestants, and they also call for more truth.


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