

    Explosive models continue to exert force, Hong Kong films enter the game strongly, and the box office vitality is restored in the summer period

    Last weekend, a number of films joined the release force. "Life Events", which has been proud of two weeks in the summer, continued to exert its strength, and the newly released Hong Kong film "Detective War" also showed a strong momentum. In addition, after being closed for nearly four months, some cinemas in Shanghai have resumed business and joined the national market. The weekend box office exceeded 410 million yuan. The Chinese film market has finally regained its long-lost vitality.
    Domestic films have made great efforts, and the box office reputation has reached new highs
    Theaters in July were rejuvenated with vitality not seen for a long time. As of Sunday, box office sales since July had exceeded the 1 billion yuan mark. After "Life Events", the release of new films such as "Detective Wars" and "Underwater Column: Cave Adventure" also showed the attraction of audiences returning to the cinema. "Life events" box office broke 1.1 billion poster

    "Life events" box office broke 1.1 billion poster

    As the first dark horse in this summer's season, "A Great Event of Life", which was released to the third weekend, still maintained its upward momentum. The weekend's box office output of 180 million yuan, and the total box office was nearly 1.2 billion yuan. With rare themes and heart-wrenching plots with laughter and tears, the film has gained a good reputation. The topics of "funeral" and "life and death" in the film, the performances of the actors and the plot of the film have all gained a good degree of discussion. Driven by high reputation and schedule advantages, "Life Events" has become the first fire that ignited the summer season. Since its release, it has lived up to expectations. The film scheduling rate, attendance rate and single-day box office have maintained the first place for a long time, and the total number of viewers has reached 29.345 million. , worthy of the first blockbuster movie in the summer. "The Detective War" Breaks 100 Million Poster

    "The Detective War" Breaks 100 Million Poster

    "Detective War", which was released on July 8, injected new vitality into the summer season, and the box office in the first weekend also exceeded 150 million yuan. As the sequel to the high-scoring classic film "The Detective", Wei Jiahui and Liu Qingyun are powerfully united, with exciting action dramas and criminal suspense plots. The dizzying cases and the tension-filled performances of the actors can pull the viewing experience to a "full-time high-energy". At present, "Detective Wars" has a strong growth momentum, and the proportion of films is almost the same as that of "Life Events". It is expected to become the second blockbuster in the summer file, replicating the success of "Rage: Serious Cases" in the summer file last year. "Hidden in the Dust" has steadily risen in Douban ratings

    "Hidden in the Dust" has steadily risen in Douban ratings

    Another film "Hidden in the Dust", which was released on July 8, is a literary and artistic film with a rural reality theme, which is different from the mainstream tastes of the public. Although the box office performance was only 1.85 million, after its release, the Douban score continued to rise, and the harvest was very good. Good reputation, and many viewers commented that it is "worth seeing". These kinds of literary films usually premiere at film festivals, and in the early stage, they will get higher scores among the relatively “targeted” audiences. After the release, they are often limited by the “unacceptable conditions” of the market, and the scores will drop somewhat. This literary film, which was shortlisted for the main competition in Berlin this year, rarely achieved a reverse drop in the Douban score after its release, rising from 7.8 to 8.2, which shows its resonance among the audience.
    The heating up of the summer season is also indispensable for animated films to fuel the flames. The series of animated films "Little Undersea Column: Adventure in the Cave", which is very popular among children, performed well at the box office. It was released on July 9, and the box office exceeded 40 million yuan in two days. With the classic IP image And the new plot, firmly grasp the summer parent-child market this weekend, attracting summer vacation children and weekend vacation parents to go to the cinema together. The forthcoming "Mozart in Outer Space", which will be released on July 15, as the most wanted film in July, is also expected to inject a new energy into the summer season.
    Hundreds of theaters in Shanghai resume business, and box office sales are on par with the same period last year
    In the context of the nationwide movie box office situation improving and the movie market fully recovering, Shanghai, the top ticket warehouse city in the country, ushered in the orderly resumption of movie theaters on July 8. Although due to the repeated epidemics, the actual number of theaters in operation is not many. According to the data of the Lighthouse Professional Edition, the number of theaters operating in Shanghai on July 8 was 138. According to the statistics of the Shanghai Distribution and Screening Association, the number of normal operating theaters in Shanghai is about 350. On the first day of resumption of business on July 8, the box office in Shanghai area was about 2.55 million yuan

    On the first day of resumption of business on July 8, the box office in Shanghai area was about 2.55 million yuan

    On the first day of resumption of business on July 8, the box office in Shanghai was about 2.55 million yuan. Although the number of operating theaters was less than half of the usual number, many audiences had to travel across districts to see the last movie, but the box office in Shanghai reached 2.6212 million that day. Yuan, the number of screenings exceeded 3,700, the total number of tickets issued exceeded 50,000, and the average ticket price was 51.7 yuan. The box office sales on that day were even higher than the 2.48 million yuan at the box office on the same day in 2021, which shows the audience’s expectations for returning to the cinema. Due to the small number of open theaters and the 50% occupancy limit, many shows were sold out, and many audience members said that "the people of Shanghai finally saw "Life Events". In the Shanghai box office statistics this weekend, "Jurassic World 3" topped the box office chart, becoming the single-day box office champion of Shanghai theaters for two consecutive days. The first choice for many audiences to return to the theater is to make up for this one month. previously released movies.
    According to a previous announcement issued by the Shanghai Film Bureau, in the early stage of reopening of Shanghai cinemas, online real-name ticket sales will be adopted, and the upper limit of the occupancy rate will be 50%. Daily health monitoring and management of theater employees, site prevention and control management, audience management, and strict in-room disinfection have all become key tasks to ensure the safety of audiences watching movies. According to the latest regulations, the theater has also carried out a more user-friendly upgrade in terms of venue code settings and seating arrangements, so as to ensure the safety and convenient viewing experience of the audience as much as possible.


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