

    State Film Administration: Distribute 100 million yuan of movie viewing coupons

    In order to further stimulate the potential of film consumption and promote the orderly recovery of the film market, the State Film Administration recently issued a notice to carry out the 2022 Film Benefit Consumer Season from August to October under the slogan of "Love Film, Love Life". The main measures include: Promote the release of more new blockbusters, and cooperate with a number of movie ticketing platforms to issue a total of 100 million yuan of movie viewing consumption coupons , to tap the potential of rural movie consumption, and to promote tax reduction and tax rebates, social security payment deferral, rent reduction, phased discounts on electricity consumption, Relief policies such as business interruption insurance have been implemented in the film industry.
    According to the statistics of the National Film Specialty Office, driven by domestic films such as "Walking on the Moon" and "Life Events", the cumulative box office of the summer movie in 2022 has exceeded 7 billion yuan.
    Notice of the State Film Administration on Launching the 2022 Film Benefit Consumer Season
    National Shadow Development [2022] No. 6
    The competent film departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all movie theater companies, China Film Producers Association, China Film Distribution and Projection Association:
    In order to promote film consumption and speed up the recovery of the film market, the relevant matters concerning the launch of the 2022 film consumption season for the benefit of the people (hereinafter referred to as the film consumption season) are hereby notified as follows.
    1. Overall arrangement
    (1) Basic idea. Implement the important decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee that "the epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe", and coordinating the launch of pragmatic and diverse film consumption promotion measures that benefit the people and enterprises, optimize consumption supply, release consumption potential, and give full play to film consumption It will play a leading role in the circulation of the film industry, better meet the needs of the audience for film viewing, effectively promote the continuous recovery of the film market, and help promote the high-quality development of films in the new era.
    (2) Main principles. Adhere to systematic planning and key promotion, give full play to the overall driving effect of the two popular summer vacations and National Day on the film consumption market, realize the coordination and focus of film consumption promotion measures, and promote high-quality films to achieve both social and economic benefits. Adhere to benefiting the present and taking a long-term perspective, not only actively responding to the impact of the current epidemic, promoting a faster recovery of consumption, stabilizing the main body of the film market, but also promoting continuous innovation of policies and systems for promoting film consumption, so as to provide a solid foundation for the establishment of a high-level film market that is compatible with a strong film country. support. Adhere to bottom-line thinking, make overall plans, and implement overall development and safety throughout all links and the entire process of the film consumption season, strictly control the epidemic, and strictly abide by the safety bottom line.
    (3) Development time. August-October 2022.
    (4) The slogan of the event. The slogan of the film consumption season is "Love Movies, Love Life".
    2. Main content
    (1) Rich video supply. Encourage film producers and distributors to actively release high-quality films into the market, promote the accelerated release of more new blockbusters, and actively carry out online and offline film promotion activities such as live roadshows, main creative connections, etc., to further increase publicity coverage and consumption conversion rate, attracting More audiences go to the cinema to watch the movie.
    (2) Issuing movie viewing coupons. In conjunction with movie ticketing platforms such as Maoyan, TaopiaoPiao, Douyin, etc., 100 million yuan of movie viewing coupons will be issued, and a special section column of "Love Movies, Love Life" will be set up for the 2022 Movie Benefit Consumer Season, which will subsidize the audience's ticket purchase costs and stimulate Consumer enthusiasm.
    (3) To tap rural consumption potential. Continue to vigorously support the construction and operation of township cinemas, improve the viewing experience and service quality, and organize rural film consumption promotion activities in conjunction with rural festivals.
    (4) Promote the implementation of relief policies. Do a good job in the publicity and implementation of corporate relief policies such as tax reduction and tax rebates, social security premium deferral, and rent reduction and exemption in the film industry, so that film companies and film practitioners should know everything they should know and enjoy. Support film authorities at all levels to actively communicate and coordinate with development and reform departments, and promote the implementation of phased preferential policies for electricity consumption in the film industry. Support film authorities at all levels to actively communicate with the banking and insurance regulatory authorities, and encourage film companies to voluntarily purchase business interruption insurance, public liability insurance, etc.
    3. Safeguard measures
    (1) Strengthen organizational leadership. Film authorities at all levels should further enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency, seize the favorable opportunities for the film consumption market to enter the summer vacation and National Day, and actively organize local film companies, e-commerce platforms, and media units to participate in the film consumption season, and promote cross-industry and cross-field cooperation. , make good use of local resources, incorporate film consumption promotion measures into local consumer brand activities, and ensure that various measures are implemented and effective.
    (2) Do a good job in epidemic prevention and control. Film authorities at all levels should assume territorial management responsibilities, guide and urge relevant units participating in the film consumption season to earnestly assume the main responsibility, implement detailed measures for epidemic prevention and control and safety production, and create a safe and secure film consumption environment.
    (3) Do a good job in publicity and promotion. Film authorities at all levels should strengthen the summary, refinement, replication and promotion of good experience and good practices, and give full play to the role of demonstration and leading. Film channels, China Film News and other media should timely publicize and report on the operation of the film market, consumption promotion measures and results, etc., to create a good atmosphere for consumption.
    National Film Bureau
    August 11, 2022


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