

    Interview|Ye Daying: Why should I make a movie that reflects the media people's resistance to black

    "If Niijima Weekly became a 'Breaking News Weekly', it would be over long ago. To be a media person, you have to have bones, but you also have to learn to protect yourself!"
    "When I was in college, you came to the school to give a report. Do you remember what you said? You said that only the light in the dark is called light. I came here for this light."
    At the beginning of the movie "Never Compromise", the director Wang Mingguang and the editor-in-chief Yu Li have a point-to-point dialogue with Maimang, which makes today's media reporters sound somewhat familiar. If you look closely at the actor You Yongzhi carrying a large schoolbag and hurriedly walk past the front desk of the magazine office - at a glance, the display in the honeycomb-shaped frame on the wall is Caijing Weekly. The main creator took a group photo in Caijing magazine.

    The main creator took a group photo in Caijing magazine.

    As a magazine in mainland China that mainly introduces financial news, Caijing was founded in 1998. Since its inception, it has published many reports that have a significant impact on the market. In 2000, Caijing published a report on Fund Shady, which aroused widespread market response. In 2001, Caijing magazine also published a report on the shady scene of the listed company Yinguangxia, which directly led to the delisting of Yinguangxia from the China Securities Regulatory Commission - which is in line with some plots in the movie.
    What is the relationship between a real media organization and a media exposure and anti-black story on the big screen? The producer of "Never Compromise" is Caijing Film, and the producer and producer Wang Boming is the editor-in-chief of Caijing who can endorse. As the screenwriter and director of the film, Ye Daying, was famous for his "Red Trilogy" in "Red Cherry" (1995), "Red Lovers" (1998), "Tiananmen" (2009, which is also his last work directed). altar. After more than ten years, he directed the film director, but he wanted to tell such an industry story. What is the reason? Director Ye Daying

    Director Ye Daying

    During the premiere of "Never Compromise" in Beijing this time, he told media reporters that he had been trying to break through the "red director" frame over the years, "I have been framed by these four words for many years, but I did not expect (breakthrough) difficulty. It will be so big. When you have this title in front of your name, the ideas and opinions of film investors will often be "flipped". For example, when I want to make a comedy, the investors always think that you better shoot red themes , isn't that what you're best at."
    In order to break through himself, Ye Daying said with a smile that he would not hesitate to "fail and fight repeatedly". Talking about the difficulties encountered in the creation of his new work, which he has been honing for ten years, he introduced that "Never Compromise" has a certain professional threshold, "The main difficulty lies in the creation. First of all, the journalists in the film, I I didn't know much about it before; secondly, about the bigwigs in the financial industry, I don't know much about their eating, drinking, and behavior. It takes a lot of time and energy to observe their lives. I wrote the script before and after. In 6 years, more than 90 drafts have been revised.”
    As for why the well-known host Zhu Dan was chosen to play the heroine in the film this time, Ye Daying was full of confidence, "I am very willing to cooperate with 'newcomers', and new things can be discovered in them and new possibilities can be created. Including Leslie Cheung (played Jin in "The Red Lover") was the first star in Hong Kong and Taiwan to play a CCP member. As for this type of role, it can be said that he is also a 'newcomer'. Zhu Dan is an old reporter himself. She has the perseverance of a reporter who has the courage to reveal the truth." Zhu Dan as Yu Li

    Zhu Dan as Yu Li

    "Speaking these lofty words is not insincere."
    The Paper : The audience is quite familiar with your previous "red movies". After many years, it will be this "Never Compromise". Why did you change your mind and want to make stories about media people?
    Ye Daying : I have a good friend. In 2015 or 2014, he came to me with a story outline and said that you haven't been filming for so many years, or let's do it again - when you're not filming, I'm at home When it comes to scriptwriting, I cater to the market (laughs). I don't want to shoot the main theme for the time being. The definition of "red director" kills me to "frame".
    As for the outline of the story, I saw it as it is, and the story has not been finalized, but its name interested me - this story is concerned with some chaos, I think the theme is very good, let's find a professional for the details of the story Edit and check again. At that time, we did research along the lines of the outline, and the more we researched, the more interested we became. A friend by my side told me that if you want to study this, you should look for Caijing magazine. Just like that, I started to get in touch with the circle of financial reporters.
    The Paper : I noticed that when "Never Compromise" was launched, the original name was "The Door of the Crocodile". At the same time, I also noticed what happened to the heroine in the film. People in the industry will think of the case of the female editor-in-chief of a financial weekly who was kidnapped for reporting "the inside story of the listing of a certain securities" more than ten years ago.
    Ye Daying : I have been in the media circle of finance and economics for a long time. I have heard a lot of stories and rumors. The person who tells me the most stories is one of the screenwriters of "Never Compromise", Mr. Yu Ying. She told me a lot of financial stories and characters, including her own experiences. She is also the "eye-catching eye" of my script. Every time I change the script, I have to be scolded by her (laughs). If the lines in the movie can stand the test of you journalists and audiences, it is Teacher Yu's credit.
    When I heard their stories, on the one hand, I thought it was too touching. On the other hand, I felt that these filmmakers in the entertainment industry sit in their own small patios all day long. There really are no journalists with iron shoulders who care about national affairs. Concerned about the suffering of the people. In fact, in this movie, I only touched a little bit. In reality, the experience of many media people under various pressures and pressures is more "tragic" than the movie.
    But I think it is their persistence that objectively promotes and maintains the stability of our financial and stock markets. We can have such a good situation and social environment today, part of which is the efforts of financial journalists, and part of financial security is improved through the sacrifice of these people. It is not sincere to say these "tall" words, I really think they are very good. You Yongzhi as President

    You Yongzhi as President

    The Paper : It has always been the responsibility of the media to stir up the turbulence and promote the clear. Based on your age and experience, I would actually like to know your exposure to the media from 1958 to 1978, that is, from birth to adulthood. For example, at that time, did your family have access to the "Internal Reference" compiled and distributed by the "People's Daily" and Xinhua News Agency?
    Ye Daying : Unreachable. At that time, I was a foolish child, and I never took the initiative to pay attention to any news. No one has ever asked me this question. You have to make me wonder, that is, while eating, listening to the radio with my family and listening to what is said in the box.
    At that time, for a child like me in the 181 factory compound, the most important thing every week was to take a small bench and go to the yard to watch a movie. At that time, before the movie was shown, there would be a "news briefing", which was also a channel for me to get in touch with the news. The films that were released were those eight model plays, and then gradually there were "Tunnel Warfare", "Mine Warfare", "Heroes and Sons", including the later "Spring Miao".
    Premier Zhou passed away, "I rolled over and got out of bed"
    The Paper : In this way, I asked the specific point. In 1976, several national leaders died one after another. How did you get the news?
    Ye Daying : The day Premier Zhou died was January 8, I remember it very clearly. At that time, I was studying at Shanghai Xinxin Machinery Factory Technical School, and the night before I went to play with my local classmates. In those days, people in Shanghai were very crowded, so I slept in their pavilions without a window. I was sleeping on the bed when I heard his grandfather at home and let out a long sigh: "Oh, Premier Zhou, passed away..." I still remember the tone of his voice, it was not loud, but it was very low, that sadness Let me turn over and get out of bed with a jolt.
    When I was young, my family, especially my father, didn't tell me about my grandfather, including the stories between my grandfather and Premier Zhou. Sometimes guests come, and occasionally listen to the ears and know a little bit. At least I know whose descendant I am, but this is actually a pressure and shackles for a child - when you fight and do bad things, people always mention it, hey, how can you do this? Well, child, I'm not convinced, why can't I do it? But it always seemed that there was a high moral standard that hounded me, and I lost a lot of space since I was a child.
    Speaking of which, when I was just born, the secretary of the prime minister discussed with my father that he hoped to live with the prime minister for a period of time, which was also a little adjustment for him after his busy work. But my dad was young at the time, and he didn't agree at first, but after thinking about it calmly and asking again, people didn't mention it. So from as far back as I can remember, no matter what the occasion, whenever someone mentions Premier Zhou, I always pay attention and feel that I have a fate with his old man.
    When I heard that the Prime Minister had passed away, my heart must have been stunned—during the "Cultural Revolution", our family was being reorganized all the time, my father was being criticized all the time, and the children in the courtyard didn't play with me. When I arrived in Songjiang, Shanghai, the same is true for the family courtyard of the factory area of the Ministry of Aeronautics, so don't mention the "children of the big courtyard" to me, I am not.
    It was also on that day that my uncle in Shanghai called me and asked me to go back to Beijing with him tomorrow to say goodbye to the Prime Minister. When our family goes to the Prime Minister's funeral hall, we can walk to his coffin. When the body was saying goodbye, my family cried so hard... It was through that experience that I heard that my father actually grew up by the Prime Minister's side.
    The Paper : After General Ye Ting's plane crashed in 1946, were your parents adopted by Premier Zhou?
    Ye Daying : My dad lived in the Prime Minister's cave, and it seems that he also lived in Zhu De and Kang Keqing's cave for a while. Anyway, except that he didn't live in Chairman Mao's, he stayed with the Prime Minister for the longest time. In 1980, after the "Cultural Revolution", our family went to Yan'an for the first time to visit our grandfather's grave. After my father arrived in the jujube garden, he began to walk back and forth, so I asked him what he was looking for? He was very embarrassed at first, but later he said he was looking for the toilet of the past. It turned out to be the case. In the morning, Premier Zhou took a long time to pay tribute. He usually took my father and the others and squatted in the toilet together. Tell him the story of his grandfather. So my father knew a lot of things about my grandpa that the Prime Minister told him at that time. When it comes to their relationship with Premier Zhou, everyone in the Ye family will tell a bunch of their own stories, and what I'm talking about is also my own life experience.
    My father was only 14 years old when my grandfather died. At that time, my grandma was going to pick up my grandfather. She had no money to buy a plane ticket, so she found Zhang Fakui's secretary, who said that he could only provide three plane tickets. Who will go? My grandmother, Ye Yangmei, my grandfather's favorite eldest daughter, and Ye Ajiu, the youngest son he had never met, the three of them went. My grandmother loved my dad the most back then. If there was one more plane ticket at that time, I would definitely be gone now. (The cause of the plane crash) It's not clear now, it's all speculation. But the Ye family has one thing, that is, they only have hatred for Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang reactionaries.
    When my grandparents died, six or seven orphans were left behind. How the organization arranges, how they listen. My father was proud to have lived by the Prime Minister's side, and the question I faced back then was, did I go out and fight anyone today. Is it because someone bullied my sister, I have to shake my fist with someone.
    The Paper : I have a personal curiosity. General Ye Ting is known as the "God of War". Why don't the descendants of generals choose to join the army? In addition, I noticed that in your films, sometimes you are signed "Ye Daying" and sometimes "Ye Ying", which is your real name?
    Ye Daying : Most of my parents' generation were engineers, and they all studied science and engineering. When it comes to our generation, it is even more so, we all choose the professions we want to pursue. As for my name, Ye Daying. In 1988, I finished filming my debut film "Big Breath". This creative opportunity was very rare, and the filming went well. But after that, my creative path was difficult for a while, and then I gave myself a stage name, "Ye Ying". "Never Compromise" stills

    "Never Compromise" stills

    "Pushing the characters into a situation where they face the choice of life and death, a kind of extreme in the plot"
    Thepaper But in your works, there seems to be no such hostility, and the audience can always see that you are creating characters from the perspective of human nature.
    Ye Daying : There was no way to fight when I was a child. In fact, when I was in elementary and middle school, I didn't like listening to lectures for a long time, and I always brought some extracurricular books to read in class, such as "Sanjiaxiang", "Song of Youth", "How Steel Is Made", " "Red and Black", "The Count of Monte Cristo", etc., the so-called literary masterpieces, I finished reading them in class.
    Speaking of How Steel Was Made, I can only remember how Paul and Tonya fell in love, because I was fascinated back then. How can the proletariat fall in love with a bourgeois lady? What is the bourgeoisie like? We had never seen anyone before. The teacher criticized in the classroom that the bourgeoisie lived a lavish and lustful life, but what is arrogant and lustful? We don't know either.
    It is precisely because there is no concept, so when I picked up this novel, I really felt thirst-quenching. I think reading has a great influence on me, and it subconsciously affects my preference for literature and art. Later, I went to my dad's Shanghai colleague's house. They lived in a western-style building, and his daughter was playing the violin on the terrace. When I saw it, oh, isn't this Tonya!
    The Paper : In your films, you are never afraid to appear in sexual scenes, including the female intern who is the editor-in-chief in "Never Compromise", who is "seduced" by financial bigwigs. Not to mention Guo Keyu's "naked back" in "Red Cherry". Qiuqiu, played by Mei Ting in "Red Lovers", uses her body temperature to "warm" Jin who is swaying with typhoid fever.
    Ye Daying : I'm actually a bit of an afterthought. Whether it's politics or sex, I'm pretty stupid. I talked about my first love in Shanghai, and I talked in Shanghai dialect, and it was a wonderful memory.
    I should be one of the first directors in the mainland to show bed scenes in movies. There is a similar plot in "Big Breath". When the film production in Zhuhai was developing and printing, many people ran to see the sample film, thinking that something was filmed. At that time, everyone also seemed to have a wrong view of literature and art in their subconscious, that is, they felt that there was something of this in a play, and you were talented in literature and art. However, from the perspective of the world, 90% of literary films have similar plots and bridges. In me, I have always believed that sex is beautiful, and the natural and healthy carcass of women is also beautiful, and there is an indescribable beauty. The presentation of nudity in Red Cherry is naked.
    The Paper : But the nudity in "Red Cherry" is not sexual.
    Ye Daying : But because of this, it becomes difficult to review. At that time, the old censorship leader said, "Little Ye, we are the CCP's own dolls, and I just want to be strict with you. I almost cried as soon as I heard it, you still think of me as a director. I can't get a Nazi tattoo on a cotton jacket, it has to be on a beautiful piece of skin. That kind of "snap--" makes it shocking for the audience to see.
    The story of "Red Cherry" was adapted and created by me based on some historical real events. The first time I saw the human skin in "Red Cherry", the tattooed human skin was in the Russian War Museum. I was shocked at the time, and I thought that this must be presented in the movie. . In fact, the characters in the movie all have prototypes, but I put the stories of many children on them, and I can't go to the right seat.
    The Paper : During the Revolutionary War years, many children of revolutionaries were sent to the Soviet Union and experienced the blood and fire of World War II. Is this also the reason that triggered you to shoot "Red Cherry"?
    Ye Daying : Now there is a saying that these revolutionary orphans or children who stay in Moscow will be treated favorably. This is not the case at all. At that time, we did not have an embassy in the Soviet Union. The embassy was opened by the Kuomintang government. Therefore, even He Zizhen can only be regarded as an "international friend" in the Soviet Union. It is said that when she was in Moscow, she could only distribute one glass of milk a week. She will leave this cup of milk to Mao Anying and Mao Anqing to drink. If the two brothers were reluctant to drink, He Zizhen took out a gun and said: If you don't drink, I will kill you. Ye Daying told Zhu Dan a play.

    Ye Daying told Zhu Dan a play.

    The Paper : Although "Never Compromise" no longer continues your previous creative theme, you can still feel an idealistic revolutionary pride. You seem to enjoy pushing the protagonist of your own film into a corner and giving her a burst of power.
    Ye Daying : I think when you push a character to a situation where he faces a life-and-death decision, it is a kind of extreme in the plot. I like it, and I am also full of respect for such a character. Let's just say that President Wang Mingguang in "Never Compromise", he originally wanted to "land safely", a person who is about to retire. But after going through these hardships, he is willing to "die for this beautiful woman in front of him (the female editor-in-chief Yu Li in the play)." I think the word "beautiful" here has nothing to do with love or desire. It is a kind of being moved by the nobility and bravery of the woman in front of him, and then in this man, the protective desire of the man rises up. It's a very pure emotion, and I'm moved by it myself.
    The Paper : When it comes to idealism, I always think of the poem Leslie Cheung mentioned many times in "Red Lovers", "The sun came out, and an eagle flew from the ground to the sky. It suddenly stopped in the air, as if frozen. In the blue sky..." It seems that you always like to make the characters you create willing to pay the price of your life for your personal beliefs.
    Ye Daying : The poem in "The Red Lover" is the one that I think should appear in the plot. I searched for Soviet and Russian poems for a long time, but I couldn't find any suitable ones. Later, the screenwriter Jiang Qitao read it a lot, so he simply wrote a song after trying to figure out the historical context and put it in the movie. Jiang Qitao wrote a lot of great lines for this film, "If I can't live proudly, I'd rather die." This sentence has been running through the current "Never Compromise". I like that the characters in the movie have noble hearts, they all have a kind of pride, so they can conquer all the audience who can understand this movie.
    The Paper : In your films, the positive characters have noble hearts, while the negative characters are not flat. Tu Jun, the big BOSS in "Never Compromise", is not a badass with a fake face. He also reminds me of Hao Ming, the spy chief in "Red Lovers". You have found insurmountable turning points in their respective histories for their evil deeds.
    Ye Daying : The character Hao Ming in "Red Lovers" was rarely talked about before. Tao Zeru played this character very well, and Hao Ming was not easy to play. In my opinion, everyone's understanding of martyrs, including traitors, is too superficial. It is difficult to be a hero. It is not a simple sentence of not being afraid of death. Sometimes death is not the most terrible thing. Today, some so-called main theme movies and TV dramas often make this point too simple, as if anyone can easily deal with the torture of the enemy? !
    When I was studying at the Film Academy, I once interviewed a female Communist Party member, handsome Meng Qi. She had tasted all the torture in the Kuomintang prison, but she still did not defect, and she kept strictly guarding the secrets of the party. So much so that the Kuomintang authorities later set an internal rule regarding her torture process - after arresting any level of female Communist Party members, they will not be tortured in the future (torture is useless to them).
    When I created "Red Lovers", I definitely pushed Hao Ming to an extreme. How extreme? He survived all the heavy punishments, but when the enemy turned the gun on his underage daughter, he gave in, turned the gun, slaughtered his comrades, and has since become more murderous than the enemy. But what about his true beliefs? Maybe still believe in communism. But what can he do? The blood feud is already here. So the character Hao Ming is very complicated, and when you show the complexity of human nature, you will show his two sides, so the character is not thin.
    The Paper : Last question, on the day of the premiere, I heard you say that you want to shoot Ye Ting Expendables in your next film, can you tell me a thing or two here?
    Ye Daying : The General Administration had a creative idea for me to do, so I took over the job. I think that when it comes to the creation of revolutionary historical themes, we cannot turn the struggle between the Communist Party and the Kuomintang into a simple fight—the Communist Party took up guns and fought the Kuomintang with real guns or was forced out. The Communist Party wants to realize its ideals, and the Communists never hide this. If we don’t talk about beliefs and ideals in our works, what will this film be? So I'm going to shoot, and I'm going to use this film to tell today's audience, why did the Communist Party pick up the barrel of a gun back then, why did it risk life and death and forget about life? Why do the soldiers of the Ye Ting Death Squad prefer to sacrifice themselves and win the victory, whose life is not life? No actors have been officially selected yet, and Ye Ting is not the main character of the film, but the death squads are the main characters.


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