

    CCTV Film Channel opens the 20 excellent films to welcome the party

    In the golden autumn of October, we will usher in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

    The Movie Channel has carefully planned a multi-themed broadcast. Starting from next Monday, it will broadcast the classic series of revolutionary history movies, the annual blockbusters with high reputation and high box office, and the premiere masterpieces produced by the Movie Channel. In this grand season, we will use movies every day. Accompany you and your family, relive the history, inherit the spirit, and praise the era!

    Tribute to revolutionary martyrs

    Don't forget the original intention and pay tribute to the heroes. The movie channel will broadcast the series of "Armageddon", "The Great Turning" and "The Great March", which have been filmed by the Bayi Film Studio for ten years in prime time in the evening from October 10th to 15th. These three series of giant productions reproduce the heroic and fearless decisive battle of the Chinese People's Liberation Army with magnificent and realistic images. Whether they are screened in film festivals or rebroadcast on film channels, they have been praised by audiences of different ages as "never tire of watching"!

    The "Armageddon" trilogy 31 years ago, as a magnificent war epic in the history of Chinese film, aimed at the three decisive battles: the battle of Liaoshen, the battle of Huaihai, and the battle of Pingjin. The audience sees the real life side of the great man.

    "The Great Battle"

    The whole film involved more than 100 characters, and used countless human and material resources, including 160 tons of explosives, 50 real tanks, 100 detonable cars, and more than 1.7 million rounds of empty artillery shells. It also used a lot of artillery, Aircraft, ships and other military equipment. Among them, the unprecedented 3-minute marching long shot can be called a treasure in the history of Chinese film.

    The "Great Turning" series launched in 1996 tells the story of Liu and Deng's army crossing the Yellow River south and advancing into the Dabie Mountains in 1947, achieving the "big turning point" in the war of liberation in an extremely difficult war environment.

    "The Great Turn"

    The film shows the ideology and spiritual outlook of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, especially the revolutionary friendship that Liu Deng has devised for 13 years, which has moved the world to this day.

    The "Great March" series that followed include "The Great Northwest Liberation", "The Great Pursuit of the Southern Front", "Sweeping the Great Southwest", and "The Great War in Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou". Big Line Chasing."

    "The Great March"

    The film uses a desolate, solemn and majestic artistic style to make a documentary depiction of the last large-scale battle of the Liberation War, allowing the audience to see the last dawn in the war, and also see the revolutionary martyrs who have experienced the beacon of fire. expectations.

    When the smoke of gunpowder dissipates, how can we, who are already in a peaceful era, forget the glorious history of bloody and dazzling battles. In order to inherit the revolutionary spirit of our ancestors, from October 10th to 15th, at prime time in the evening, please follow the movie channel to return to that tragic, turbulent and majestic war era.

    Praise the new era

    Thanks to the movie, it recorded the blood and fire of our ancestors, and engraved the important historical nodes of the Chinese nation from weakness to strength. Today, in the era of peace, we continue to use movies to praise the new era and pay tribute to the strugglers with the complex and strength of inheritance.

    From October 16th, the film channel will broadcast excellent domestic films closely following the theme of the times and showcasing the achievements of Chinese film development in prime time every night. They sing praises to the motherland and cherish the memory of their fathers, they restore every civilian hero who lives around us, and engrave the unique feelings of the Chinese people in the light and shadow.

    For the National Day of 2019-2021, the cumulative box office of the three films in the "Me and My" series is as high as 7.45 billion yuan. These three films show the changes of the times, reflect the great changes in the hometown, and inherit the spirit of the fathers. During the long holiday celebrated by the whole country, this series awakened the collective memory of the Chinese people. The Movie Channel will broadcast "Me and My Motherland" and "Me and My Fathers" for you in prime time on the evening of October 16 (Sunday).

    On the first day of this year's National Day, the film channel broadcasted the Chinese film history box office champion "Changjin Lake" for the first time, and received enthusiastic feedback from the audience. According to the real-time data of Cool Cloud EYE, the viewership rate of the film on the night of its premiere ranked first on the entire channel.

    "Changjin Lake"

    In the golden season, we honor the heroes who slept in the winter! On October 17th (Monday) evening prime time, the movie channel will once again broadcast the epic war movie "Changjin Lake" for you.

    In 2019's National Day, "Captain of China" directed by Liu Weiqiang creates a real hero, restores real events, and creates a real blockbuster; in 2021, the original crew will be reloaded to shoot "Chinese Doctor" to record the prevention of the new crown pneumonia epidemic with more realistic images. To control every ordinary person in the struggle, Liu Weiqiang once again showed his ability to control the group portraits of ordinary heroes and the ability to shape professional professional images. The Movie Channel will broadcast "Chinese Captain" and "Chinese Doctor" in prime time on the evening of October 18 (Tuesday).

    "Chinese Captain" "Chinese Doctor"

    In the year when the new crown pneumonia epidemic was raging, there have been too many ordinary heroes who can sing and cry, and too many ordinary citizens who have passed on the power of humanity in watching and helping each other. , respect for science, and the great anti-epidemic spirit of sharing a common destiny.

    Different from "Chinese Doctor", which focuses on the front-line medical staff, "Hugging You Through the Cold Winter" shows the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary citizens in the "big rear" in this "war epidemic". The Movie Channel will broadcast "Hugging You Through the Winter" in prime time on the evening of October 20 (Thursday).

    "Hugging You Through the Winter"

    To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai Film Group made the stories of "Chinese climbers" Fang Wuzhou and other heroes into the film "The Climbers". The film shows the long journey of two generations of mountaineers to reach the top of the country, and promotes self-improvement. , indomitable national spirit, innovatively promote the spirit of patriotism and collectivism. The movie channel will broadcast this "Climber", which fills the gap in the domestic mountaineering genre, in prime time on the evening of October 23 (Sunday).

    "The Climber"

    The movie "Winning the Championship", which also shows the Chinese people's courage to climb the "peak", tells the story of the women's volleyball team that carries the collective memories of several generations, and vividly restores the highlight moments in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team. The strong sense of substitution in the film allows the spirit of the women's volleyball team to hit the hearts of every Chinese even after many years, and well realizes the creative purpose of inheriting the spirit of the women's volleyball team with the film. Cheers to the women's volleyball team again on the movie channel on the evening of October 23 (Sunday) in prime time!

    "Win the Championship"

    In the new era of forging ahead with a new journey, the Party Central Committee vigorously advocates the "work spirit" and "model worker spirit" of "diligence in creation and courage in struggle", and many mainstream narrative films have recorded heroic models on various fronts.

    Based on the real deeds of Wang Jicai and Wang Shihua, the heroic movie "Island Keeper" has touched countless audiences with its realistic footage and simple narrative. The original mission of the new era, we are all islanders, has been passed on to the hearts of countless young people. On October 19 (Wednesday) evening prime time, relive "Island Keeper" together.

    "When you dig a road in the mountains and build a bridge when you encounter water, there is no danger for the railway soldiers in front of them; if you sleep in the wind and sleep in the rain, you will have no difficulty in front of the railway soldiers." "Peak Explosion" tells the story of the heroes of China Railway Construction who fought against disasters and defended people's lives. The story of property safety has shaped the group portrait of contemporary heroes in disaster relief and rescue, wrote the legend of China Railway Construction Corporation, and climbed to a new peak of domestic disaster films. On the evening of October 21 (Friday), I followed "Peak Burst" and approached the railway infrastructure people behind "China Speed".

    The heroic models in these mainstream narrative films, no matter which front or position they are in, show the simple Chinese feelings and the nostalgia for their homeland through the relationship between relatives, lovers, comrades in arms and other characters.

    "Wandering Earth"

    Taking the first step in domestic hard science fiction and opening the global narrative of Chinese films, "The Wandering Earth" shows the Chinese people's feelings of home and country by using the sci-fi romantic approach of humans taking the earth to wander. In the future narrative space, Chinese culture and Chinese spirit will be reflected everywhere. On the evening of October 23 (Sunday), let's save "Little Broke Ball" together.

    move forward vigorously

    The year 2022 is an important year for my country to enter a new journey towards building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and marching towards the second centenary goal. The 20th National Congress held this year is of great significance to the whole party and the people of the whole country.

    After the meeting, the film channel will broadcast the four masterpieces of the channel for the first time, "Earth Fire", "Out of the Charcoal Chong", "Little White-headed Secretary" and "Saxon Grass", showing the heroic struggle of the Communist Party members and the brilliant Spiritual quality, inheritance of red genes, continuous red blood.

    "Who has never died since ancient times? But a person's life is linked to the revolutionary cause of the proletariat's eternal youth. That is a supreme honor!" Xu Yunfeng's sonorous words in "Red Rock" are still in his ears, and he kept the hope of life. Give it to a comrade-in-arms, with the belief of victory, calmly die.

    The film "Earth Fire", which premiered at prime time on the evening of October 20 (Thursday), was created based on Xu Yunfeng as an important prototype and the deeds of revolutionary martyr Luo Shiwen in Weiyuan County, Sichuan Province.

    The film tells that Luo Shiwen, who was born in Weiyuan, Sichuan, returned from overseas studies and devoted himself to the revolutionary tide. At the beginning of 1940, Luo Shiwen was arrested. At the moment before his death, he still used the worn leather shoes on his feet to convey his last belief, inspiring the remaining comrades to persevere.

    The film uses a compact, full, and tense lens language to reproduce the revolutionary martyrs' firm belief in Marxism and communism, and their unswerving struggle and pursuit of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

    "Out of the Charcoal Chong", which premiered at prime time on the evening of October 21 (Friday), wrote the unique and magnificent youth of Liu Shaoqi, the founding father of the People's Republic of China, with deep feelings, rich narratives and epic brushstrokes.

    In the cruel era of the early 20th century, when the army was devastated and the people were struggling to survive, he rushed out of the remote small mountain village Tanzi, and went through all kinds of difficulties and hardships to search for the road to save the country and the people and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

    With full passion and romantic brushstrokes, the film reproduces the tragic fate of the devastated country and nation, and shows the young Shaoqi's inspirational ambition to save the country and the people and seek national rejuvenation. It is a touching song of youth and ideal.

    On October 22 (Saturday), the prime-time premiere of "Little Secretary with a White Head" used a lively and humorous comedy technique to express the experience and growth of a grass-roots cadre at work. The male protagonist, Li Fuze, is a township party secretary. He encounters obstacles in his work, is under great pressure, has a heavy burden, and wants to quit.

    However, his loyalty to the party and his original intention to his career made him eventually grow into the "strong grass and real gold" of the times.

    In the primetime hours of October evening, the channel's "Saxon Grass" will also be broadcast, which is adapted from the deeds of "Su He" and "Tubu Batu", the old man who planted trees in Alxa, Inner Mongolia, who were role models of the times and moved Chinese characters. .

    The film tells the touching story of a young man represented by Jiya (played by Lin Boyang) who took over the responsibility of Zhong Suosuo from the older generation of sand control workers such as his grandfather (played by Hu Xiaoguang), and took root in the Gobi Desert of Inner Mongolia to transform his homeland. The conflicts between the two generations that have been hidden for many years have been reconciled through sand control.

    "Saxon Grass" combines elements of the times such as the local "racing hero club" in Alxa, integrates regional characteristics and humanistic feelings, and outlines the people and things that silently contribute to the protection of the environment in Alxa. In the struggle between development and environmental protection, modernity and tradition, perseverance and faith, we sing praises for the greatness, responsibility, sincerity and dedication of human nature.

    Starlight doesn't ask the passers-by, history belongs to the strugglers. Their legends in the light and shadow will illuminate the new journey of generations of Chinese people!

    (This article was published on the WeChat public account of "Movie Channel", author: Teng Qing, long-picture design: Chen Haonan, an intern)


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