

    It is not enough to be able to "speak", the host must become a compound, all-media talent

    On the afternoon of December 8, "Tomorrow Has Come——Shanghai College Students Host the Seminar on the Achievements of the Newcomer Competition" was held in the Shanghai Art Hall. The seminar was guided by the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, co-sponsored by the Shanghai Television Artists Association and the Shanghai Critics Association, and more than 70 experts and scholars from TV stations, universities, media, literary and art criticism units, and representatives of previous contest winners attended the meeting.

    Since its inception in 2016, "Tomorrow's Anchor-Shanghai University Student Host Newcomer Competition" has been successfully held five times so far. The participation of colleges and universities, the reputation of the industry and the social influence of the competition have been increasing year by year. The purpose of this seminar is to accumulate valuable experience and theoretical thinking for the subsequent development of the competition, to better build a platform for the selection of college hosts and the inspection of teaching achievements in colleges and universities, and to help the development of broadcasting and hosting education.

    Seminar site

    In the era of all media, competitions seek innovation and change

    Shen Wenzhong, member of the party group, full-time vice chairman and secretary-general of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, pointed out in his speech that it is of great significance to hold this seminar on the occasion of the successful conclusion of the 20th CPC National Congress. College students and hosts are important literary and artistic talents in the new era. Guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, they should dare to take responsibility and act bravely, so as to contribute to the prosperity and development of socialist culture. He hopes that the follow-up competition of "Shanghai College Students Hosting the Newcomer Competition" will continue to promote the cultural brand and strive to give full play to two advantages. He also suggested that the competition can establish an information base for the winners and track their growth trajectory. This is not only a summary of the experience and results of the brand activity of the Shanghai Television Association, but also provides a research sample for the TV industry in Shanghai and even China, which is very meaningful.

    Liang Junxia, vice chairman and secretary-general of the Shanghai Television Association, said that there are four characteristics in terms of the holding process: the first point is that the scale of the event continues to expand, and the background of the players is increasingly diverse; the second feature is that the theme of the competition system is innovative and competitive. The links are flexible and rich, among which is the part of reading and pronunciation identification of the finals. This link has been added since the second session to examine the basic skills of the contestants in Putonghua. The broadcast host is not only a user of Putonghua, but also a leader of social language norms . The third is the rational integration of high-quality resources, and the brand effect has become increasingly prominent. The fourth feature is the professional authority of the competition judges and the gradual expansion of industry boundaries.

    Director of Broadcasting and Hosting Business Steering Committee of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, Broadcasting Director Fang Zhou

    Fang Zhou, Director of the Broadcasting and Hosting Business Steering Committee of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, said that Shanghai University College Students Hosting the Newcomer Contest is constantly seeking innovations and changes in form and content, and also put forward sincere suggestions: "For example, in the critical stage of media transformation, the host The selection of the competition has been upgraded from the integration of acquisition, editing and broadcasting to the whole media. Learning new media technology and new media discourse system is a necessary condition for broadcasting host talents. For this reason, we also recommend that the rookie competition add some new skills to the full media capabilities of the contestants. The topic of the third round of the 2019 CCTV Host Competition is to go out, and the contestants will write and edit their own films and explain them on the spot. Emphasis is placed on considering the comprehensive media capabilities of the contestants. When CCTV news anchors are recording the political scene during the diplomacy of major powers, one anchor and one mobile phone shoot a vlog or fragmented broadcast video, which has achieved very good communication effects. It is also advocating a small and beautiful program production model, which is to use simple methods to achieve extraordinary communication, which provides a good idea for the competition to break through the comprehensive capabilities of all media."

    In addition to excellent professional quality, what else should a host have in the future?

    How does a host make a judgment on the truth through his own observation and thinking? The host Cao Kefan believes that the host must have five strengths. First, very important to the host is his political judgment. The second is aesthetic perception. The third is to listen to empathy. The fourth is the ability to spread ideas. The fifth is to update self-driving force.

    Cao Kefan

    Chen Chen

    From host to producer, Chen Chen also experienced a lot on this road. "In fact, the content industry is already very complicated now. We should create unique and irreplaceable value, because in this era, everyone can express their opinions through very simple likes and retweets. At this time, is your opinion right? It is really valuable and can be preserved. I think it is very important, and this importance is not only a matter of language ability, but a matter of thought. Expression is branches, leaves and flowers. It seems that the luxuriant branches actually come from the roots. This root is insight into life and independent thinking.”

    At the meeting, Shen Zhuyin, vice president of the Youth Education Committee of the China Television Artists Association, senior program host, planner, and senior editor; Wu Honglin, former vice president, professor, and master tutor of the School of Film and Television of the Shanghai Theater Academy; Sun Si, director of the Municipal Writers Association, executive deputy editor-in-chief of "Shanghai Poet", Chen Chen, host and producer of Oriental TV Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, director of Shanghai TV Association, director and professor of broadcasting and hosting art at the School of Film and Television Media, Shanghai Normal University, Gao Xiangrong, a master tutor, director of the Shanghai Television Association, associate professor and master tutor Gong Xiaoliang, director of the MFA master of the School of Communication of East China Normal University, Song Ling, director of the Student Work Steering Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and other experts and scholars who participated in the meeting hosted the art in the context of the new era of media integration The development direction, how to establish a college student host competition mechanism that is more in line with the requirements of the times, and the transformation of the teaching practice of broadcasting and hosting in colleges and universities were discussed. And put forward many useful suggestions for the future of the competition.

    Finally, Teng Junjie, vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the Shanghai Television Association, made a concluding speech and said that he believes that the host should strive to become a thinker, expert and all-rounder. Become an all-rounder with the awareness and ability of editing, editing and broadcasting. He suggested that today's young people who have the dream of being a host should learn a foreign language well. This is not only for the needs of more and more international exchanges and cultural "going out" projects in the country, but also because they have the ability to think and express in two languages. One of the unique skills in future industry competition. He also mentioned that the team of broadcasting hosts is an important force in the party's ideological and cultural propaganda, and it bears the important responsibility of adhering to the correct orientation, spreading advanced culture, and leading civilized fashion. I hope that in the new host competition platform and daily teaching in the future, we will continue to improve the professional level of announcers and hosts, and at the same time pay more attention to the construction and cultivation of professional ethics. We must adhere to the people-centered work orientation and encourage them to often go out of the studio , live broadcast room, proactively recognize changes, respond scientifically, innovate and seek changes, learn from each other, and strive to become "compound" and "all-media" talents in the new era.


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