

    "Keep You Safe": When a Little Man Decided to Fight Yellow Rumors

    Note: This article contains spoilers! There are spoilers! There are spoilers!

    The new work "Keep You Safe" written, directed and acted by Dapeng uses a very classic structure in the creation of film and television dramas: a small person persists in doing something in a situation where no one is optimistic about it and no one supports it. He thinks it's just.

    "Keep You Safe" Poster

    This drama structure is well used, and it can be an excellent carrier of realistic themes. For example, various profound real problems are reflected through the perseverance and difficulties of small characters, as is the case in "A Lawsuit by Qiu Ju" and "I'm Not the God of Medicine". However, relatively dignified themes can gain the depth of expression, but because of the scale of criticism, the film's release process may experience some twists and turns, such as "Not Ending", which will meet with the audience in the near future.

    "Keep You Safe" chose a more appropriate and safer path: it expresses something, but it ends at the right time; commercial pursuits come first, and the use of a lot of comedy elements and commercial elements makes the whole story more popular , more family fun.

    In the movie, this little man who pursues justice is called Wei Pingan (played by Dapeng). He is a loser in the eyes of outsiders: a junior high school education, has been in prison, divorced, has a daughter named Wei Moli (played by Wang Shengdi) who lives with her mother, and now her job is to sell cemeteries live on the short video platform.

    Wei Pingan (Dapeng)

    Wei Pingan also had a good time. A few years ago, he was the owner of a well-known local dance hall, and he bought a Da Ben in his early years. The reason why he was imprisoned was because he loved loyalty and didn't know the law. In order to help his good brother Qi Zhifu (played by Wang Xun) to get ahead, he kicked and injured others. He was sent to prison and sentenced. After he was released from prison, the world changed , He changed from the former "Ji'an Broken-tailed Tiger" to a low-level person.

    Wei Pingan sold a cemetery to Han Lu (played by Song Qian) who suffered from a brain tumor. Han Lu was an orphan. After his death, he donated more than one million inheritance to the orphanage. Now he rests in the cemetery he chose during his lifetime. But the cemetery told Wei Pingan that Han Lu would be removed from the cemetery, because Mr. Feng (played by Ma Li), the family member of the "neighbor" of Han Lu's cemetery, accidentally heard the rumor that Han Lu used to be a lady on stage. The general ordered the cemetery to move Han Lu's cemetery, so that this "unlucky person" would not affect the "feng shui" of his dead brother.

    Han Lu (played by Song Qian)

    Wei Ping'an now understands the law, and he has not lost the virtue of loyalty. He naturally wanted to ask why. Why is it said that Han Lu is the lady sitting on the stage? Is there any evidence? Why did Han Lu buy the cemetery before she was alive and move it out without the consent of others? Can't bullying the dead speak?

    Wei Pingan wants to ask why

    Just imagine, if things like this fall on me and other workers, most of them will obey the leader's decision. What's more, Han Lu is an orphan, she has no relatives in the world, and no one will make trouble if her cemetery is moved. As for whether Han Lu is the lady sitting on the stage, others just spread gossip, it's none of your business, and it's over after hearing it, there's no need to compare the truth with the lie.

    Wei Pingan is not, he just wants to be more serious, he wants to fight against the rumors that "Han Lu is the lady sitting on the stage", find the innocence of a dead girl, protect the contract he made with this girl, and also protect her. resting place.

    In order to make Wei Ping'an's motivation more convincing, the screenwriter also created a secondary line of school violence, that is, Wei Ping's daughter also happened to encounter a similar "do you want to do good deeds, if you do good deeds, there may be risks" in school. Wei Ping'an encouraged his daughter to "Do what you think is right", and her daughter's decision in turn gave Wei Pingan the strength to persevere.

    Wei Moli (played by Wang Shengdi)

    So far, the drama structure of "Keep You Safe" has been built.

    Tracing the origin of the rumors also naturally constitutes a dramatic conflict with twists and turns. Where did the rumor come from? Feng always heard about it from Tony (played by Yin Zheng), the beautician of the pet shop; Tony said he heard it from the conversation of two puppet players during the store celebration; Ping An's younger sister Wei Ruyi (played by Li Xueqin); with nine twists and eighteen bends, Wei Ruyi said that her source of information can be traced back to the boss of a certain company (played by Jia Bing); and the boss said that he heard it from a beautiful subordinate of his. The subordinates of this beautiful woman saw it from a local post bar; Wei Pingan found the online account of the poster, and Wei Ruyi used the "beauty trick" to find out that the poster was in an Internet cafe in a city in Inner Mongolia. Wei Pingan decided to From Jilin to Inner Mongolia "chasing the murderer for thousands of miles"...

    Many excellent comedians have strung together the scenes of all beings in this movie.

    In the process of tracing the source of the rumors, the screenwriter naturally weaves people from the three teachings and nine streams into the script, and every link, from Ma Li, Yin Zheng to Li Xueqin, Jia Bing, Yang Di, these excellent comedians are in their respective roles. Contributed a good "laughing fruit" in the bridge section.

    Different bridge sections use different comedy techniques to ensure that Wei Pingan's "road trip" is not boring or cold, and the audience with a relatively low point of laughter may hahaha throughout the whole process. Like the scene where Wei Pingan and Wei Ruyi escaped in the secret room, the dislocation of comedy is quite brilliant; Wei Pingan's chase scenes and car chase scenes in Inner Mongolia make this movie more dynamic and enrich it. business elements.

    some good comedy in the movie

    On the basis of making the story "basically good-looking", "Keep You Safe" has completed a certain expression of thought through the pursuit of justice by the little characters. It may not be so three-dimensional and profound, but it combines hot spots, easy-to-understand expressions, and reiterates some important common sense, which can play a necessary role in guiding value at the public level.

    One is to take a clear-cut stand against the act of making pornographic rumors about women. Making pornographic rumors about women is an effective way to stigmatize, belittle, and trample a woman, but it is also an extremely obscene and shameless method. Han Lu in the movie has an unfortunate life experience and unfortunate encounters, but she still has such a precious goodwill towards the world. In the end, her goodwill was completely denied because of a dirty rumor that was spread ten times and ten times. If it wasn't for Wei Ping'an's tenacious effort to clarify the rumors, then Huang Yao would have become the only label that the world remembers Han Lu.

    In fact, the root cause of pornography's ability to work is the society's "misogyny". Wei Ruyi's words in the film are very precise, "When you open your mouth and say that a woman is a 'Miss', no matter whether she is or not, she already is." In addition to movies, we should also ponder: Why can pornographic rumors easily destroy a woman? When the "misogynistic" thinking still exists, it is difficult to say that pornographic rumors against women will stop from now on-because it always works.

    Making pornographic rumors is extremely lethal

    The second point is the English name of the movie "Post Truth". "Post-truth" does not mean that the truth has been tampered with, or that the truth has disappeared, but that the truth has become a secondary thing. People often only believe in feelings, and are only willing to listen to and see what they want to hear and see, rather than One more question: Is this the truth?

    In a post-truth era, there have been countless instances of "creating rumors with one mouth, and dispelling rumors at a loss". In many cases, it is not only difficult to dispel rumors, but no one listens to dispelling rumors, and even no one dispels rumors. Among the rumors against Han Lu, the rumor-mongers opened their mouths for a very ridiculous reason, and many people chose to believe it without verification-because the pornographic rumors are not only in line with the inner curiosity, but also in line with the subconscious misogyny. Not so much concerned with what the truth is, but more focused on satisfying the secret pleasure of listening to gossip, spreading gossip, and ruining a woman.

    When Wei Pingan was advocating justice for Han Lu, rumors spread to himself. Here, the movie presents the funny, ridiculous, brainless and full of loopholes in the spread of rumors with a relatively relaxed comedy approach. The reason why Wei Ping’an went to jail was that he stood up for his brother, and it was rumored that he slept with his brother and beat his brother’s wife; his relationship with Han Lu was once rumored to be a prostitute who was infected with sexually transmitted diseases And the table girl who died of a venereal disease...

    Rumors keep spreading

    Of course, the movie is calling on the public not to become an accomplice in the post-truth era, and to carefully screen out rumors and spread them cautiously when they see them. But frankly speaking, this may just be the correct verbal appeal, especially when the earliest rumormonger in the movie was only detained for a few days, fined and released, other people who spread rumors unintentionally have no responsibility at all, and the public You can intuitively feel the low cost of spreading rumors, and it is difficult for the appeal of the movie to completely change the situation. Only by making the rumor-mongers pay a heavier price can a lasting and effective deterrent force be truly formed.

    Through a certain amount of realistic expression, the final foothold of "Keep You Safe" lies in the enthusiastic eulogy of the goodness of human nature. If there is a price to pay to be a good person, are you still willing to be a good person? I can't help but wonder, is there really such a person as Wei Ping'an in reality? Just like the poetic white horse that appeared several times in the movie, does it really exist? Or is the pure white horse and the kind Wei Pingan just a dream?

    In any case, the movie makes the audience willing to believe in the existence of Wei Pingan, and it can also inspire the kindness in the audience, encouraging us to do the right thing and become a good person. On the night of his birthday, Wei Pingan drove his eDonkey alone in the cold wind of the city, and at some point he might feel lonely. But Brother Ping An, being a good person is not lonely. The "666" fireworks on the riverside are blooming for you. Others may not understand your tears. Blessings, only you understand, only you really have.

    More than 20 years ago, we sang "Wishing You Peace" was a good wish. More than 20 years later, it is still just a wish, but Wei Pingan, who has a wish, does not have nothing. Some of the most precious emotions are only possessed by good people, and only good people understand them.

    good people safe

    The script of "Keep You Safe" doesn't mean how profound it is, but it is very qualified and has a high degree of completion. This movie is the kind of "waist movie" that is very lacking in our market at present-although the director's personality is not so strong, the expression of thoughts may not be so profound, and there are some who need to be hard to criticize, but it takes a common story. The structure is used very reasonably, the commercial elements are well combined, and the reaffirmation of some correct ideas is well-founded and not preachy, allowing most audiences to stay in the cinema for two hours with peace of mind, laughing and crying, and touched their hearts , I also think this ticket is worth it.

    Such a waist movie, the investment will not be too big, and it may not be so lucky to become a big hit, but it should be the mainstay of the movie market. At present, there are not enough movies in China that tell a qualified story in a down-to-earth manner, which also highlights the value of "Keep You Safe". Dapeng has been making progress, and the two Easter eggs in the movie are quite touching. I still hope that this movie can be a big hit, and there can be more movies like this in the market.


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