

    On the first anniversary of Qin Yi's death, Shanghai filmmakers deeply cherish the memory of this "people's artist"

    Qin Yi Vision China data map

    In the early hours of May 9, 2022, "People's Artist" Qin Yi left this world. She has witnessed the journey and youth of China's century-old film history. On May 9, 2023, on the first anniversary of Qin Yi's death, in order to review and summarize Comrade Qin Yi's artistic achievements, promote a pioneer and cultivator in the history of Chinese film for a century, a "people's artist" with a red heart forever With a lofty spirit, "Shuangxin of Virtue and Art, Evergreen Art-People's Artist Comrade Qin Yi Commemorative Symposium" was held in the Art Hall of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    On May 9, 2023, "Deal and Art Shuangxin · Art Evergreen - People's Artist Comrade Qin Yi Symposium" was held in the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    In the hall full of seats, the participants commemorated Comrade Qin Yi, recalled and studied her artistic achievements and noble character. This life of admiring art, being virtuous, and spreading great love has been talked about by countless people for decades. And when people get together to miss her, there are still endless things to say.

    Linking individual artistic destiny with nation-state

    In 1939, Qin Yi embarked on the road of art, and left a touching red mark on the stage of the times with her artistic life.

    Qin Yi's daughter, Jin Feiheng, recalled her mother's life, saying that in the society where women bound their feet, as a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, her mother combined her responsibility with the destiny of the country when she finished middle school. Together, "How difficult and unimaginable this is."

    Qin Yi's daughter Jin Feiheng

    At that time, Qin Yi did not tell her family, but she quietly went to Wuhan, Chongqing, Sichuan and other places to participate in the revolution. She acted in progressive dramas, and later made movies, but she still felt that "singing and acting don't seem to be revolution". Under the education and guidance of the Communist Party of China, she realized that acting in plays, movies, and dramas is also important revolutionary work. "Since then, she has regarded acting and making movies as her life's career, and she has never forgotten it, and put it in her heart every moment."

    Stills of Qin Yi's works

    Since her career in the arts, Qin Yi has participated in more than 30 excellent film works such as "Mother", "Song of Youth", "Malan Blossom", "Women's Basketball No. 5" and "Dreams Are Not Dreams", creating many vivid and popular images. From her first public role in the movie "Baojia" at the age of 17, to her role as a meteorological engineer in "Qinghai Lakeside" at the age of 93, she has played nearly 70 stage and screen images in her nearly 80-year acting career. , These characters have spanned different eras, have different identities, and are of different ages. From ancient times to the present, from youth to old mothers, from Tang court ladies to revolutionaries, many characters have their own appearances and are lifelike. It not only shows her solid skills in shaping characters, but also reflects her outstanding achievements in performance.

    She adhered to the people-centered creative orientation, unremittingly explored on the road of art, dedicated her beautiful youth to the Chinese film industry, and added a rich touch to the film history of New China. Her persistent pursuit and personality charm have won her the title of "New China's 22 Great Movie Stars" on the Chinese screen, the title of "National Artist with Outstanding Contributions" in commemoration of the centenary of Chinese film, and the Lifetime Achievement Award (Golden Phoenix Award) of the Chinese Film and Performing Arts Society Award. ), Shanghai International Film Festival Chinese Film Lifetime Achievement Award, National Top Ten Female Heroes, National "May 1st" Labor Medal, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Lifetime Achievement Film Artist, Shanghai Literary Artist Lifetime Achievement Award, Shanghai Literature and Art Award Lifetime Achievement Award, "People's Artist" national honorary title and many other awards.

    Xia Yujing, Party Secretary and Full-time Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles

    Xia Yujing, secretary of the party group and full-time vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, commented, "She is a witness and cultivator of China's century-old film history. "

    Thoughts on the performing arts

    Qin Yi once said, "The ideal we pursue for life should be to give all the touching spiritual power we have obtained from literature and art to others through our own performances." She has played many roles that people talk about. More often, people feel the spiritual power conveyed by the characters, and even ignore that it is the performers who create these vivid characters with superb skills and dedication.

    In 2017, "The Story of Qin Yi" will be republished for the third time. Tang Mingsheng, the author of "The Story of Qin Yi", asked Qin Yi, can you talk about your performance experience based on your acting career? He hopes that Qin Yi can jump out of specific image creation, sort out and summarize in general, refine and summarize some things with experience and lessons, and provide reference for future generations.

    Tang Mingsheng, author of "The Story of Qin Yi"

    Qin Yi is often asked this question in various interviews, but there are too many things and the question is too grand, and she can't calm down to sort it out. As a biographer, Tang Mingsheng shared at the symposium that Qin Yi later talked to him about three "rational and speculative thinking" - "The first point is that acting and being a person are linked together. She believes that acting Making movies is not a means of making a living. If you want to make a living, why do you engage in literature and art? Literature and art need a kind of inner strong spiritual power, and release the spiritual power you get from art to others. This is the ideal that a competent actor should pursue Realm. The second point is that the characters follow the times. Long-term artistic practice has made Teacher Qin Yi feel that although the characters on the stage and screen are fictional, they all come from life, from practice, and from the times. There is no such thing as a character who is closely connected and does not eat the fireworks of the world. Since the characters follow the times, the actors must keep up with the times they live in, so as to experience the inner feelings of the characters, so that the characters in the performance will be Be authentic and impress the audience. The third point is that it is important to leave something of value, which is a spiritual legacy that transcends the material level. The task of the actor is to make the performance as real as possible in the assumed environment , To shape all kinds of characters well, this requires actors to experience all kinds of life, be familiar with all kinds of characters, experience and accumulate knowledge of life in many aspects, and then leave a lasting impression on the audience through the image they create. A belief, a quality, a way of looking at things. In this way, the audience will remember both the characters and the actors. If people can’t remember, it’s useless to make much publicity and build a memorial hall.”

    After many years, Tang Mingsheng still remembers: "Three points of thinking, she talked in depth and detail, and she was very educated and moved a lot. Under the conditions of the market economy, the mentality of the entertainment industry is impetuous, eager for quick success, and can't calm down. If you can’t sink, you can’t play a good character and other negative phenomena, the three points of thinking are very precious, especially how to behave and act, Teacher Qin Yi can be regarded as a role model for the younger generation, and it is also a clear banner.”

    A beautiful life that looks the same inside and outside, and a demeanor that cultivates people through morality

    Qin Yi has been praised for her beauty all her life, and this beauty is far beyond her appearance. She radiates the beauty of this kind of women from the small family to everyone, from the individual to the society.

    Chen Dong, the former deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, remembers that Qin Yi’s beauty is her independent figure. She is a beautiful teacher Qin Yi. Other movie stars, a lot of assistants, she is walking forward alone."

    Chen Dong, former deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee

    Chen Dong also remembered that every time I saw her wearing reverse clothes to take care of her younger brother outside the ward of Ruijin Hospital, I was really touched. As a mother, she took care of her father on Fuxing West Road, her elder sister on Wuxing Road, and The son who died before her, she is a loving teacher Qin Yi, she doesn't complain about any little things in life, and even joked that 'there is always a shortage of a strong worker'."

    In addition to work and family, Qin Yi gave back her love to the whole society. During the Wenchuan and Yushu earthquakes, she donated almost all her belongings, and even went to the disaster area regardless of the opposition of people around her. At the age of 97, she is obliged to participate in public welfare movies. "This is our teacher Qin Yi. Her most beautiful highlight moments are not on the screen, but in every moment of life." Chen Dong said.

    Performing artist Niu Ben

    Old Shanghai Film actor Niu Ben recalled his lifetime relationship with Qin Yi, "I called her 'Auntie' at first, then 'Big Sister', then 'Qin Yi', and finally 'Comrade'." Niu Ben told everyone emotionally about the scene where Qin Yi shed a tear for the filming of "Under the Roof of Shanghai". Because the direction of the tears falling was difficult to control, she repeated it again and again, full of emotions and no complaints. And in her life, she is "approachable, she is a good mother at home, a good colleague outside, and a good colleague of everyone. In any case, as long as we are at work, she does not put on airs of a big actress , She is always with the crowd. For example, if we want to shoot a crowd scene, she is in the crowd, or on any occasion, she always pushes the young one in front of the camera.”

    Niu Ben said, "She is a 'people's artist', I will always remember her, and will always be my role model. Her image often inspires me in my head. I think, I will never forget her. die."

    At the age of 93, Qin Yi made a feat enough to be recorded in the annals of film history, going to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to complete the self-written and acted work "Qinghai Lakeside". As the leading actor in the film, Tong Ruixin, head of the Shanghai Film Actors Troupe, witnessed and accompanied the creation of this "miracle". "In the plateau, apart from acting well, everyone was sweating for Teacher Qin Yi. In the scene where the 93-year-old rolled down the hillside, she saw the crew find a substitute for her. She was really angry and said that she could not use it. substitute."

    Tong Ruixin

    Tong Ruixin revealed that Qin Yi's body was not as good as before when she came back from Qinghai. "But I can understand her choice. Instead of living with regrets, it's better to do what I want to do. There are many people around me. Old artists still have a little creative impulse and want to make another movie in their lifetime, but only Mr. Qin Yi can really put it into action at such an advanced age!"

    The ashes were buried in Fushou Garden, Qin Yi was reunited with relatives

    On the morning of the memorial service, Qin Yi's ashes were buried in Zhonglingyuan, Fushouyuan. Qin Yi, who has been through all the ups and downs of her life, is finally reunited with her beloved husband, Jin Yan, and her son, Xiaodi. At the farewell ceremony before the funeral, Qin Yi's family members, close friends and colleagues missed her. The memorial statue of Qin Yi and the stone statue of Jin Yan tell their rough and legendary life together in front of a film-like background. When she made a stele for Jin Yan in 1998, she told the sculptor Wang Yunlong, "I only want to do one thing after a hundred years, and that is reunion."

    On the day of the memorial service, the director Jiang Ping came to Shanghai from Beijing wearing the advertising shirt of Qin Yi’s last movie "Everything Like You" (97 years old). He said he felt happy for Qin Yi, "From now on, you can still be with you Most loved, with the many, many great filmmakers you have worked with during your lifetime."

    Qin Yi and Jin Yan's tombstone sculpture. Sun Jiayin picture

    Daughter Jin Feiheng also said affectionately when bidding farewell to her mother: "Mom, you have been beautiful, elegant, and a model of strength all your life. Now you can finally rest well."

    On the occasion of the first anniversary of Qin Yi's death, on May 8, the organizers held Qin Yi's film screenings at the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Shanghai Theater Academy, showing "Distant Love", "A Distressed Smile", "Women's Basketball No. 5" ", "Dreams Are Not Dreams" and other representative works of Qin Yi. The popular "Railway Guerrilla" was also broadcast on the evening of the 9th on the Oriental TV Channel.

    This "Virtual Virtue and Art, Evergreen Art-People's Artist Comrade Qin Yi Symposium" is directed by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China Propaganda Department, China Film Association, China Literary Critics Association, Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shanghai Film Sponsored by (Group) Co., Ltd., organized by Shanghai Film Association, Shanghai Literary Critics Association, Shanghai Film Critics Society, and Shanghai Film Actors Troupe. A series of activities such as Comrade Qin Yi's commemorative symposium and film screenings were funded by the Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation.


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