

    Film market︱Explore new ideas for IP film and television development

    In response to the current industry trend of rapid growth in the IP copyright market, the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival's film market complies with the needs of serving the entire industry chain and creating a closed-loop development of the film and television industry, launching a series of activities such as the "IP Film and Television Development Conference" and holding IP promotion meetings , organize industry salons and excellent case sharing with the theme of copyright cooperative development, promote the efficient connection between content sources and film and television adaptations, provide a communication platform, and help the healthy development of the IP market.

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    Prosperous Science Fiction Welcomes New Opportunities for IP Development

    On June 11, the film market ushered in the "IP Film and Television Development Conference: Books and Gold - Special Session on Film and Television Literature in the Science Fiction World". "Book" represents light soft science fiction, and "gold" represents hardcore science fiction with large investment. The event invited six industry representatives to participate in the discussion to talk about the diversity and diversified development of Chinese science fiction film and television.

    During the event, He Deng, head of Bilibili Bikuli Studio, introduced Bilibili's new sci-fi work "Tomorrow's Survival Guide". In the past year, the number of science and technology UP owners on station B has reached 1.16 million, and a total of 14.82 million science and technology manuscripts have been created. He Deng said that although sci-fi film and television adaptations have shown a trend of diversification at this stage, users and markets still need to be patiently expanded and cultivated, "because the key to making hardcore sci-fi bigger and stronger is long-termism. "

    When it comes to the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence (AIGC), science fiction writer A Que believes that ChatGPT is still "young" and at the age of "has not yet learned to walk", but we still have reason to believe that one day it will Can complete an excellent novel independently, "For example, helping to write a real sequel to "The Three-Body Problem"."

    Science fiction writer Lu Ban believes that ChatGPT did not help him. For him, the process of searching for information is very interesting for writing. He doesn't want an immediate answer, but prefers to explore by himself.

    When it comes to sci-fi filmmaking, one cannot fail to mention this year's sci-fi masterpiece "The Wandering Earth 2". Wang Shanshan, head of film and television at Sichuan Science Fiction World magazine, said that Science Fiction World also participated in the investment of the second part of "The Wandering Earth" and the production of the first part. As a milestone of Chinese science fiction films, "The Wandering Earth" is of great significance, "but From another point of view, whether it will limit the audience's aesthetics and perception of science fiction films, thinking that science fiction is full of special effects, is the sea of stars, this is a question worth thinking about."

    In this regard, science fiction writer Jiang Bo said that describing human nature in the scenarios envisaged by science fiction means that creators must not only describe the joys and sorrows of human nature, but also show the beauty of technology, and the two must not be biased. "Whether it is hard science fiction or soft science fiction, both hands must be grasped and both hands must be hard, and cannot be simply divided into two categories."

    Science fiction writer Gray Fox said that many new sci-fi fans became interested in domestic sci-fi only after "Three-Body Problem" became famous. Including the breaking circle of "The Wandering Earth 2" this time, it has attracted a large number of sci-fi fans. But from an objective point of view, it is not easy for domestic sci-fi films to surpass "The Wandering Earth 2" in the short term. How to keep these fans who are new to sci-fi movies from being too disappointed is a must for future creators. subject.

    Promotion meeting: science fiction has deep IP potential

    In addition to talking about the film and television adaptation of science fiction works, this event also introduced six high-quality Chinese science fiction novels suitable for film and television adaptation. The introduction of the works is as follows:

    "The Age of Gods"

    About the Author:

    Yan Xi, Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. Now engaged in writing, translation, English teaching. Science fiction has been published in "Nebula VII·Criminal in the Mirror", "New Illusionary Mirror·Ant's Scream", etc., author of "The Most "Counter-intuitive" Great Biological Discovery of the 20th Century: Chemical Osmosis", translated as " The origin of complex life".

    Synopsis of the work:

    In the near future more than 20 years later, the "technological singularity" suddenly came. This is the historical dividing point between human domination and machine domination. The superintelligence evolved from the search engine is facing a life-and-death battle against the network intelligence "Wan Guobao" evolved from the language translation system. The secret war broke out from Chengdu and spread rapidly across the world. The focus of the AI war is on Zhu Yue, a Chinese waste material youth, because the Internet news he accidentally sends spreads all over the world, triggering the awakening of Wan Guobao. Zhu Yue's fate was constantly interfered by two AIs, and he experienced a dangerous spiritual journey. His journey and the AI war ended at the same time, and human society also underwent earth-shaking leaps and evolutions. After the singularity, is the world still in the hands of humans?

    "Golden Peach"

    About the Author:

    Yang Wanqing, a science fiction author, has published many works in the magazine "Science Fiction World", and has won many awards such as the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award and the Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award. He loves science fiction, and also loves rock and poetry, so he has a complex and tangled personality, and there is no way to heal himself except writing.

    Synopsis of the work:

    In the fictional 8th century AD, all the heroes of the Western Regions came together. The girl Mopan is a student of Samarkand College, which holds the highest technology coveted by all countries - "Golden Peach". The Tang Dynasty secretly sent Chen Chigong, a Han, and Yisi, a Persian, to protect the academy. One day, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty died, and the countries of the Western Regions took advantage of the situation to attack the city. Chen Chigong rescued Mopan on the battlefield and fled north... From Samarkand to Suiye, from Liangzhou to Chang'an, there were a series of killings and competitions around the "golden peach". Chen Chigong and Mo Pan also had a hazy and ups and downs relationship under the background of the big era. What will happen to everyone in the end? What kind of shock will "Golden Peach" bring to the times?

    "The Shrike and the Thorn"

    About the Author:

    Tan Gang, science fiction writer. He has won Morning Star Award, Chinese Nebula Award, Lenghu Award, Dunhuang Award, Imagination Award and other awards. The styles of his works are changeable, and the content is mostly focused on describing the evolution of human beings and society under technological changes.

    Synopsis of the work:

    In 2028, the killer code-named "Shrike" rescued the girl Erin Sophia from 2125 in a mission. In the process of protecting Erin, he was framed and betrayed by the leader of his organization "Crow". It turns out that Irene Sophia's DNA information is a bridge connecting the future and the past, and the "crow" continues to hunt down Irene in order to achieve the assassination of the scientist Li Qingmen who traveled to the future. Afterwards, relevant forces such as the underworld, country R gangsters, and special forces joined the dispute with their own ideas. The situation became more and more chaotic, but "Shrike" gradually discovered that the appeal of "Crow" was the ultimate destruction...

    "Einstein's Curse"

    About the Author:

    Gray Fox, with various styles of works, is not only good at technical description, but also pays attention to humanistic feelings. A few years after his debut, he won the Galaxy Award for Micro Fiction and Short Story; the 10th Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award for Novel; the Science Fiction Light Year Award for Micro Fiction and Short Story; the Future Science Fiction Master Award; Gold Award, Short Story Silver Award.

    Synopsis of the work:

    Star lover Luo Zhen discovers that a destructive "light" is focusing on the earth. Earth's time is counting down. Only by finding a way to resist the irradiation of the super magnifying glass before the doomsday can human beings break the death curse of the Einstein lens.

    "2039: Brain-Computer Era"

    About the Author:

    A Que, one of the representative Chinese science fiction writers, has published more than ten works and won 14 Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Awards and 4 Galaxy Awards. Most of the works have sold film and television adaptation rights, and have also been translated into multiple languages and published overseas. Representative works "Cloud Whale", "Goodbye Doraemon" and so on.

    Synopsis of the work:

    The happy love between Chen Yan and Yan Yan was interrupted by a car accident. In order to revive Chen Yan who has become a vegetable, Yan Yan implanted a BCI brain-computer chip for Chen Yan, and Chen Yan also woke up as expected and started a new life. However, his feelings and thinking have slowly changed. Yan Yan gradually understood that she and Chen Yan, who had an electronic brain, were gradually not on the same path, and had even changed to two "species". In order to save her relationship with Chen Yan, Yan Yan chooses to rush to the traffic to end her life as an ordinary "person", hoping to implant a BCI brain chip like Chen Yan...


    About the Author:

    Lu Ban, a cutting-edge science fiction writer born in the 90s. Won the Best Newcomer Award at the 32nd Galaxy Awards for his debut novel "Futurism", and won the Best Novella Award and the Most Potential Adaptation Award at the 33rd China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards with "Upstart", and also won the 13th Gold Award for Best Rising Star in the Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Awards. The work "Future Disease" has entered the stage of film and television development.

    Synopsis of the work:

    After the overpopulation of the earth, humans broke out in a war for resources, and the defeated humans entered the virtual world composed of consciousness - Themis. In this virtual space, there is not only the consciousness entered by real people, but also the consciousness automatically synthesized by Themis system. As long as each consciousness pays enough wealth, it can exist almost forever. Adan is a consciousness born in Themis. He has the same rich emotions as real human beings. He wrote the bestseller "Growing Aging in Themis" and became a Themis with fame and wealth. . When he learned from his lover Jasmine that a large amount of consciousness locked in the T5 lunatic asylum had been deleted due to clever financial means, he felt sad and confused, so he set out to find the old man who gave him "real" experience guidance Barry's journey.

    This film market has been held for two days, attracting many domestic and foreign film practitioners, investors, distributors, buyers and audiences. Film exhibitions, market activities, and market screenings have shown the vitality and charm of the Chinese film market, and also reflected the diversity and innovation of global film creation. Let us review together!


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