

    Centenary of Xie Jin’s birth丨Lv Qiming: Shanghai Filmmakers will inherit Xie Jin’s spirit from generation to generation

    Shanghai Film Group and the Shanghai Xie Jin Film Art Foundation jointly launched the documentary "A Hundred Years of Xie Jin". Starting from Xie Jin's artistic life, he interviewed nearly a hundred celebrities in the literary and art circles who had interactions with director Xie Jin, and compiled it into a precious memoir.

    This film interviews composer Lu Qiming, who composed the music for the films "Spring in the Water Town" and "Huang Baomei" directed by Xie Jin.

    Composer Lu Qiming talks about his impressions of director Xie Jin. Video source: "A Hundred Years of Xie Jin" (02:59)
    Lu Qiming said, "Director Xie Jin was only 27 years old at the time. He was tall, cheerful, and full of passion, which left a deep impression on me."

    He said: "Director Xie, it has been 15 years since you left us. We, Shanghai Filmmakers, must pass on your character, artistic ethics, professionalism and dedication from generation to generation, and create greater glory for the development of Shanghai's film industry. ."


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