

    The film lineup for the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday has been released.

    On September 13, the "Movies and Audiences Together" 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Film List Press Conference was held in Beijing.

    As the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day approaches, the Chinese film market is gearing up to welcome these two major holidays with more than twenty new films that combine thought-provoking narratives, artistic depth, and viewing enjoyment, showcasing magnificent Chinese stories through the power of light and shadow. The event, themed "Movies and Audiences Together," symbolizes the close bond and mutual growth between Chinese cinema and its audience, with several representatives of the "M Movie Club" taking the stage to share their thoughts.

    Event scene

    A Shared Nation, Lighting up the Mid-Autumn Screen Feast

    The new films for the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival have kicked off screenings and exciting releases. Titles such as The Wandering Earth 2 (3D Version), The Wandering Earth 2: Adventure Again, The Determination to Leave, The Great Scene, One Last Chance for Redemption, Wild Kids, Wishing You Happiness!, Shining Youth: The Sky Relay, and The Lisbon Maru delve into diverse genres and compelling themes, traversing time and space to bring audiences an array of flavors for a captivating Mid-Autumn silver screen celebration.

    The sci-fi blockbuster The Wandering Earth 2, which has provided immersive space imagination for millions of Chinese viewers, will make its appearance during the Mid-Autumn Festival with both a 3D version and a behind-the-scenes documentary. At the press conference, director Guo Fan of the The Wandering Earth series stated that the release of the 3D version was not a sudden decision but part of a plan that began with the launch of the "Wandering Earth Plan." Special visual effects designed for 3D, such as the space elevator and planetary engine, will highlight more dimensional and vivid details in the 3D version. When asked about the progress of the eagerly anticipated The Wandering Earth 3, Guo Fan commented, "I have already created a folder for it on my desktop."

    Director Guo Siwen of The Wandering Earth 2: Adventure Again also pointed out that viewers will not only see how a scene was filmed in the documentary but also the industrial explorations, including management, production, and new technologies undertaken by the creative team, as well as their trial-and-error process.

    Director Guo Fan (center) of the The Wandering Earth series and director Guo Siwen (left) of The Wandering Earth 2: Adventure Again

    The film The Determination to Leave is based on the true story of a 50-year-old aunt, Su Min, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery through solo travel, showcasing the liberating attitude of an ordinary woman living life on her own terms. At the event, director Yin Lichuan expressed hopes that viewers could see through the film that everyone can achieve their ideal selves, unconfined by definitions and free of regrets. Actress Yong Mei, while analyzing the character's motivations, remarked that the protagonist's choice to leave stems from an absence of special reasoning; "She wants to ensure she doesn't miss out again—she wants to be herself and live the life meant for her."

    Creative team representatives of the film The Determination to Leave

    The delightful new ensemble film The Great Scene aims to bring the emotional value needed in the workplace with laughter during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Director Li Ji candidly shared hopes that more audiences would break their preconceived notions of these "delightful" characters to see their humorous and profound sides. Lead actor Wang Tianfang expressed his gratitude for the trust and support from the audience, stating, "The pursuit of 'delightful' actors is to create memorable characters; whether we deliver joy or emotional resonance, the character is always the priority."

    Creative team representatives of the film The Great Scene

    For the Mid-Autumn Festival, family comedies will not be absent—One Last Chance for Redemption tells a hilariously absurd story with authentic "Northeast flavors." On-site, leading actors Qiao Shan and Bao Beier improvisationally enacted a “quarrel” scene from the movie, resulting in abundant laughter. Directors Yu Guangyi and Yu Qiushi explained that the movie's "Northeast flavor" comes from the creative team, renowned for being the "Northeast Comedy Troupe," with many memorable lines spontaneously created by the actors. Laughter and joy also carry a wealth of positive energy.

    Creative team representatives of the film One Last Chance for Redemption

    Additionally, the film Wild Kids tells the story of lonely "brothers" who face adversities in fate, highlighting love through shared struggles; Wishing You Happiness! examines the real-life challenges faced by families that have lost a child, seeking answers to happiness through poignant hope and loss; Shining Youth: The Sky Relay tells a fervent tale of the miraculous struggle behind a basketball player's last-second victory; and The Lisbon Maru brings to light the selfless rescue of Allied prisoners of war by Chinese fishermen, becoming the highest-rated Chinese documentary by fans this year.

    From left: Representatives promoting films The Lisbon Maru, Shining Youth: The Sky Relay, Wishing You Happiness!, and Wild Kids

    A Shared Celebration of Family and Nation: Heartfelt Gifts during the National Day Release

    This year's National Day lineup includes titles such as Volunteer Army: The Battle of Survival, Safe Passage, Good Man on Fire, The 749 Bureau, Crisis Flight, Path of Flames, Only This Green, Panda Plan, and The New Adventures of Big Head Son and Small Head Dad 6: Mini Adventures, each portraying various aspects of Chinese spirit and strength in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China.

    Last National Day, Volunteer Army: The Heroes Strike Back achieved both box office and critical success with its grand historical restoration and heartfelt emotional expression, winning several accolades, including the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Feature Film and the Gold Deer Award for Best Film at the China Changchun Film Festival. This year, the eagerly awaited sequel Volunteer Army: The Battle of Survival, directed by Chen Kaige, shifts focus to the 63rd Army of the Volunteer Army, spotlighting a crucial battle in the Korean War—the Battle of Tiejian. Chen Kaige hopes the film's significance will help young viewers understand that era and appreciate the contributions made by Volunteer Army soldiers during that historical context.

    Director Chen Kaige of the Volunteer Army trilogy

    The film Safe Passage centers on the themes of humanity and life choices, telling the story of death row inmate Zheng Ligun, who confronts the "freedom" brought by an earthquake and the challenging decisions he must make between escaping and saving others. Director Liu Jiangjiang expressed that the title "Safe Passage" embodies the simple blessings shared among Chinese people for their loved ones and hopes the film can convey blessings to every audience member during the National Day festival. Star Nazha playfully described her character Mu Chuntao as "spicy," mentioning her exciting on-screen interactions with Xiao Yang, who plays her husband, and A Yun Ga, who portrays a policeman.

    Director Liu Jiangjiang (left) and actress Nazha (center) of the film Safe Passage

    From the 2019 film My People, My Country, to 2020's My Hometown, My People, to this year’s Good Man on Fire, "Beijing Good Man" Zhang Beijng makes his third appearance during the National Day release. Directors Ning Hao and Xu Lei introduced that this time Zhang Beijng transforms from a "good person" into a "internet celebrity." Times may change, but that warm humanity remains constant. Lead actor Ge You described his character Zhang Beijng as a "down-to-earth Beijing person" and noted that the upcoming Good Man on Fire is livelier than previous short films with even more outstanding "good deeds."

    Directors Ning Hao (second from left) and Xu Lei (far left) with lead actor Ge You (second from right) of the film Good Man on Fire

    The film The 749 Bureau tells an imaginative sci-fi story set in the "near future." From its inception to release, the film has taken eight years. Director Lu Chuan revealed that he had indeed worked at an organization known as "749" after graduating from university, stating, "I want to pay tribute to my former leaders and comrades with this film." He mentioned that the creative team has always adhered to the principle of "Chinese stories with international production," hoping to introduce outstanding international production techniques while bringing Chinese stories and spirit to the international market.

    Director and screenwriter Lu Chuan of the film The 749 Bureau

    Additionally, Crisis Flight is China's first high-altitude crime blockbuster featuring thrilling battles among all characters as well as collective rescue efforts; Path of Flames depicts a mortal struggle among three desperate parents against unscrupulous traffickers, showcasing the intense search for lost relatives; Only This Green is adapted from the eponymous dance drama, returning with the original stage crew to unveil the legendary story behind the masterpiece "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"; and Panda Plan dreams of a magical collaboration between the national treasure pandas and the national treasure-level actor Jackie Chan, aiming to create a panda blockbuster for the Chinese audience. Lastly, the animated film The New Adventures of Big Head Son and Small Head Dad 6: Mini Adventures promises continued joyous adventures on screen, crafting a whimsical experience for both adults and children.

    From right: Creative teams promoting Crisis Flight, Path of Flames, Only This Green, Panda Plan, and The New Adventures of Big Head Son and Small Head Dad 6: Mini Adventures


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