The animated film "New Big-headed Son and Small-headed Dad 6: Mini Adventure," produced by the China Central Radio and Television's Animation Group, will be released nationwide on October 1. The mini-sized Big-headed family races across the tabletop alongside animals and insects! With the glowing AI robot legions, will they be friends or foes? The lightning squad is fully assembled, and the adventure is about to begin!
The film tells the story of Big-headed Son and Small-headed Dad, who shrink down and enter a magical "mini box," only to encounter unexpected circumstances that lead them into the real world. Together with their animal and insect friends, they must tackle crises and embark on an adventure. Faced with numerous challenges, will they manage to return to their normal size and rescue the trapped Apron Mom? With tensions rising, can the father and son resolve their conflicts and find a better way to get along? The answer awaits you!
“It allows children to truly feel the warmth and joy of family,” “Adults gain valuable insights on how to communicate more equally with their children,” “It awakened my childhood memories,” “The perfect movie for parents and kids to enjoy together during the National Day holiday”...
With no barriers to viewing, it’s the ideal choice for family bonding during the holiday season—don't miss this joyful film during the National Day celebrations!
"New Big-headed Son and Small-headed Dad 6: Mini Adventure" is currently available for pre-sale and will premiere nationwide on October 1, 2024, so stay tuned!