"King of Songs" Na Ying: This magical stage will allow you to be your true selfJul 27, 2024Reading"Singer 2024": The second act of "Battle of Changsha", where are the weapons at hand?May 18, 2024ReadingThe official lineup of "Singer 2024" has been announced, and the whole show will be live broadcast without audio editing every Friday nightMay 09, 2024ReadingExclusive Interview|Dramatist Wu Bi: You are not an "actor"Apr 24, 2024ReadingStephen Chow performs stand-up comedy, Yang Li, Zhou Qimo, and Luo Yonghao joinApr 23, 2024ReadingLook at that star, it's shining (13)Apr 14, 2024Reading"Infinity Class 2": So funny, ridiculously funnyMar 13, 2024ReadingIn 2024, which new variety shows will be the "rejuvenation pills" for the market?Jan 03, 2024Reading"Family Years" will be broadcast today, and Sun Nan, Han Hong, and Huang Qishan will be singing togetherDec 02, 2023Reading"Dream renovation" of a "home" for everyone in a small county townNov 25, 2023Reading