

    The box office of "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" broke 400 million, and the phenomenon of reciting poems in theaters caused controversy

    Since the movie "Three Thousand Miles of Chang'an" was released for a week, it has sparked discussions about the culture of classical poetry and historical celebrities of the Tang Dynasty headed by Li Bai. The Tang poems, which are familiar to generations of Chinese people, endowed them with brand-new visual images.

    On July 14, the film’s box office exceeded 400 million yuan, and its Douban score rose from 8.0 to 8.2 at the beginning of its release, making it the highest-rated domestic theater film in the summer, and the highest-rated film by the producer’s chasing light animation so far. work.

    "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" Douban score

    "Three Thousand Miles of Chang'an" is the first of its kind in animation genre. The form tells the stories of these shining characters to young audiences and family audiences today, so that the audience can have a deeper understanding and love for Chinese history and classic works. And this new theme, which has never been seen before in theaters, has also triggered a new movie-watching phenomenon in theaters.

    The box office of "Thirty Thousand Miles in Chang'an" broke through 400 million yuan.

    A large-scale poetry recitation scene? The dislocation and embarrassment caused by the large age span of the audience

    A total of 48 Tang poems were recited in "Three Thousand Miles of Chang'an". The main creators cleverly expressed the poems according to the ups and downs of the characters' experiences and moods, together with immersive animations, allowing viewers to deeply understand the background and background of these Tang poems. emotion. What is especially "ghost animal" is that when the familiar verses sound, moviegoers, especially children, will involuntarily chant along.

    On various social network platforms, reciting ancient poems together up and down the screen in the theater has become a unique movie-watching experience. Some viewers were moved by the fact that the children were inspired by the characters in the story to recite poems along with them, which aroused their love for traditional culture. At the same time, it can also be seen that many viewers "vomited" that being recited poems on the spot affected the movie-watching experience.

    On Weibo, there are frequent complaints about the transformation of theaters into large-scale poetry reciting scenes↓↓

    On Douyin, in the comments discussion area below where the big V seriously commented on the movie, there are endless discussions among netizens about whether it is appropriate for children to recite poems loudly in the theater to influence the behavior of other audiences.

    Some people think that the "DNA has moved" unconsciously, some people think that children's excitement is understandable, and adults should be more restrained, and some people think that children's loud noises reflect the problem of "family education".

    After the film was released, film critic @苏宁格木江 posted on Weibo, "If there are children reciting poems along with them, I suggest that the audience not stop it. This is a beautiful voice, and it is a unique romance that belongs to Chinese theaters."

    Screenshot of Weibo @朴宁格木工

    Some viewers in the Douban discussion forum also pointed out that if they encounter other uncivilized movie-watching behaviors, they will be strictly stopped, but when children recite poems, even if it affects the movie-watching experience, they seem to be in trouble. I wonder if I should remind him not to affect others dilemma.

    In fact, being able to recite poems along with the movie is also the direction of the film's pre-marketing. Some theaters also launched a poetry recitation challenge in conjunction with the movie's promotion.

    Theater Recitation Challenge

    Many parents also eat Amway from Moments or short video websites. After seeing the comments that this movie can make children can't help reading and reciting poems, they choose to take their children to the cinema for a different "language class". Parents' request to bring their children to watch this movie.

    This unique movie-watching phenomenon is related to the broad audience composition of "Thirty Thousand Miles in Chang'an". Usually an animated movie has a clear audience age group division. Most of the animations for parent-child family fun are relatively low-grade and do not attract adult audiences to watch alone or together. The common movie-watching chemical reaction formed by the same age group, In fact, it is a kind of "magnetic field" that we like to hear and see. Many low-level animations will even vigorously promote and encourage "interactivity" as one of the selling points of the film. Even though there have been some non-young animations in recent years, the audience has mostly focused on youth and growth themes.

    The film crew of "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" said in an interview with the industry media that what "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" wants to do is to cover more "audiences" who may not have the habit of watching animation movies. "For example, some middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s may not usually go to watch animated movies." The 168-minute length of the film also has some obstacles for children to concentrate. Therefore, some voices on the Internet believe that this is not a movie for children. In addition to the dense cultural and historical knowledge points and gorgeous special effects in the film, the deep meaning expressed in the literal meaning of the poem may require more experience. In order to taste the sadness or mastery in it. It is precisely because many of the passages need to be "detailed", some adult audiences who want to be more immersed in the artistic conception of the film will feel that the children's reciting on the scene has become a kind of interruption.

    Therefore, many netizens also made suggestions in the comment area, expressing the hope that the theater will open a special parent-child show, or recommending that adults choose a later time period and avoid time periods with many children.

    The "screen shot" controversy in movie theaters

    If it is controversial whether reciting poems violates the etiquette of watching movies in theaters, another more obvious "uncivilized movie watching behavior" is that this movie has also become the hardest hit area for screen shooting.

    On social networking sites, screenshots and small videos of familiar poetry fragments are even more common. On the day the film was released, the film studio released a poster on the official Weibo account of "Civilized Watching Movies Refuse to Pirate Recording", calling on the audience to enjoy the beauty of Tang Feng quietly in the cinema, but regardless of Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu and other platforms On the Internet, screen shots of the colorful chapters of the film are still emerging one after another.

    Filmmakers call for rejection of stolen filming

    The topic of screen shooting in theaters is already a commonplace. "Slam Dunk", which was released in the first half of this year, became the hardest hit area for screen shooting, and it also triggered a round of in-depth discussions on screen shooting.

    Every time a public account big v writes an article about screen shooting, some people say that it is the first time they know that screen shooting is not allowed in theaters. There are also lawyers who popularize science. Although the "Film Industry Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" clearly stipulates that without the permission of the right holder, no one is allowed to record or record the film being shown, but there is further explanation in the interpretation of the bill. This article does not apply to The act of taking private photos in theaters, that is, if a single photo is not used for commercial purposes, but is only used as a "check-in" behavior for personal hobby collection, it will not be considered illegal or constitute an infringement of the work in law. However, most theaters will explain the "Instructions for Watching Movies" in the admission prompts, movie ticket stubs, and reminders played before the movie opens, clarifying that audiences are not allowed to take pictures, record and record videos, etc. In addition, lighting up mobile phone screens and flashes in theaters will reduce the viewing experience of other viewers, and hastily taken photos cannot restore the creator's carefully designed presentation. Therefore, screen shooting is still immoral and not advocated.

    "Will enter the wine" paragraph

    Take the passage of "Will Enter the Wine" which is the most widely acclaimed in "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" and the most people can't help but screen shot, this Li Bai shouted "I am born with my talents", and flew up with everyone on a crane. Nine Days, Drinking with the Immortals in the Bright Star River was very carefully designed and created. Director Xie Junwei once said in an interview that in the two-year production cycle of the film, the production of the "Will Enter the Wine" took as long as A year and a half. The gorgeous colors in the passage, the outstanding imagination, the ups and downs of the dubbing reciter, and the magnificent yet sentimental music set off Li Bai's famous lines through the ages, and the small clips captured on the dim screen were transferred to the circle of friends. The film was promoted, but the effect was obviously greatly reduced.

    As of press time, the box office of "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" has exceeded 400 million yuan, and less than 13% of the lineup is not dominant compared with nearly 30% of "In the Octagonal Cage" and 25.5% of "Mission: Impossible 7", but With an attendance rate of 14.3%, the film became the film with the highest average attendance per game in the same period.

    Data source: Beacon Pro


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