The drama is produced by Yu Zheng, directed by Lu Haojiji and others, and starred by Wu Jinyan, Wang Xingyue and Chen Xinhai. The cast of "Mo Yu Yun Jian" also includes: Liang Yongqi, Chen Qiaoen, Su Ke, Liu Xening, Li Meng, Zhang Yuqi, Yang Chaoyue, He Hongshan, Li Xinze, Zhang Yao, Dong Xuan, Kong Xueer, Amy, Chen Yuxian and others.
Poster of "Ink Rain and Clouds"
"Ink Rain and Clouds" tells the story of Xue Fangfei, the daughter of a county magistrate who came from a wealthy family and lived a happy life, but lost everything after a dramatic change. Entrusted by her savior, Jiang Li, the daughter of the Minister of the Central Secretariat, she returned to the capital as Jiang Li, and with the help of Duke Su Xiao Heng and others, she overcame numerous difficulties, constantly fought against injustice, and finally rescued her father who was accidentally imprisoned, and helped Xiao Heng uphold justice, protect the people, and finally regain a good life.
The series is adapted from Qianshan Chake's novel "The Daughter of the Golden Flower".