

    Interview | Lancia: From the "Idol" Stage to "Grain Rain" in the Mountains

    “When Teacher Zhang first appeared at Gu Yu's doorstep, Gu Yu decided to return to school. However, this was not because Teacher Zhang instantly changed her, but because the desire to learn had already taken root deep within her heart. Teacher Zhang's arrival was more like igniting the kindling that had long been accumulating,” recalls Lan Xiya, reflecting on a pivotal scene in the drama "Blooms of the Mountain," which sparked a discussion about her character, Gu Yu.

    Since its premiere, the TV series "Blooms of the Mountain," based on the life experiences of Principal Zhang Guimei, has garnered heated discussions among viewers. In the show, Lan Xiya plays Gu Yu, the top student of a girls' high school. Her fight against fate, struggles, and tenacity have touched countless viewers. With the help of Teacher Zhang Guimei, Gu Yu ultimately escapes the mountains and returns, using knowledge to change the trajectory of her life.

    In "Blooms of the Mountain," Lan Xiya portrays Gu Yu

    “Gu Yu’s awakening consciousness particularly moved me,” Lan Xiya expressed. “She is a very brave girl who never succumbs to the hardships of life but instead gradually finds her direction.” In embodying the character of Gu Yu, Lan Xiya felt a profound resonance. “There are many similarities between Gu Yu and me. We both have our own ideas and act on them. But Gu Yu remains my idol; she is braver than I am.”

    To authentically portray Gu Yu, Lan Xiya undertook extensive research. Although she grew up in the mountainous region of Xiangxi, fully understanding and integrating into Gu Yu's lifestyle was no easy task. Fortunately, many local actors from Yunnan were part of the crew, and their way of life and linguistic habits subtly influenced her performance.

    The most important character in "Blooms of the Mountain," Zhang Guimei, is played by Song Jia. Not only does Song Jia serve as Gu Yu’s mentor in the drama, but she also becomes Lan Xiya’s “teacher” in acting off-screen. Their seamless collaboration on set imbued many scenes with incredible emotion. “When I first acted opposite Teacher Song, her words were invaluable to me. She said, ‘Let’s take our time and make sure we understand what each other is saying.’” In that moment, Lan Xiya realized that acting involves not just focusing on one's own expression but also being attentive to the actor opposite you. “When your attention is on your fellow actor, genuine emotion flows freely.”

    Zhang Guimei persuades Gu Yu to attend school

    During the filming of "Blooms of the Mountain," Lan Xiya accumulated numerous unforgettable memories. One moment that she finds hard to forget unfolds when the drama was shot in the mountains, close to the real-life girls' high school. In some scenes, actual high school students participated, such as when junior students sent off the senior students for the gaokao (college entrance examination). The moment the junior students shouted from the teaching building while paper airplanes filled the sky was so impactful that everyone in the cast felt they could not distinguish between reality and the narrative world of the drama.

    Lan Xiya first caught the public's attention during a talent show, where this charming girl with a round face, sporting a white t-shirt and jeans, radiated youthfulness. Her performance of the lively song "Later" made a lasting impression on the audience. However, unlike some young talents who quickly pursued fame after the competition, Lan Xiya chose to return to school to complete her acting studies. Since then, she has appeared in multiple dramas, and this year, through her roles as Niu Chunmiao in "The Pursuers" and Gu Yu in "Blooms of the Mountain," actress Lan Xiya is starting to resonate deeply with the audience. At her young age, she still lacks experience, has no “comfort zone,” and no “tricks” or “baggage,” only wishes to embrace the fateful encounters with the scripts and characters she loves.

    Scene from "Blooms of the Mountain"


    Gu Yu is brave and has a strong sense of self-awareness

    Pengpai News: What circumstances led you to encounter the character of Gu Yu? What was your first impression of her?

    Lan Xiya: I auditioned in 2022 and later received news about training. However, we still didn’t know which character we would be portraying at that point. Over approximately a month, everyone began to showcase traits similar to their characters. That’s how I met Gu Yu. When I got to know her, I was deeply impressed by her self-awareness and agency; she is a role model.

    Pengpai News: What are Gu Yu's character traits, and how do you interpret them? Do you think you share similarities with her?

    Lan Xiya: Gu Yu is brave and has a strong sense of self-awareness; she dares to challenge life. There are times when emotions overwhelm her, but she also actively seeks solutions and believes in her ability to accomplish things independently.

    Sometimes, I realize that I share some of her traits, like having my own ideas and pursuing them. However, Gu Yu is still my idol; I don’t always match her bravery.

    Scene from "Blooms of the Mountain"

    Pengpai News: In the drama, Gu Yu's growth is marked by setbacks and reiterations; what experiences do you think were crucial for her development?

    Lan Xiya: Definitely the arrival of Teacher Zhang. What would Gu Yu’s life be like if Teacher Zhang hadn't appeared? I saw online discussions among viewers regarding a person with a mental illness in front of Gu Yu’s home, suggesting that this might represent another path for Gu Yu.

    Pengpai News: What was the biggest challenge you faced in playing Gu Yu, and what preparations did you make for this role?

    Lan Xiya: The greatest challenge was immersing myself in Gu Yu’s environment. Since I did not grow up in that setting, it was quite difficult to fully engage with that cultural and social background. However, I was greatly aided by my co-stars, as most of the students in our training group were local to Yunnan. They spoke the local dialect and grew up there, which subtly influenced my performance. Coupled with my own experience growing up in the mountains, I could blend my performance to connect more with Gu Yu.

    Teacher Song Jia is a senior I can entrust myself to

    Pengpai News: During filming, were there any scenes you found particularly challenging? How did you overcome that?

    Lan Xiya: The scene when Teacher Zhang first visited my house and asked me to go to school was challenging. I was sitting on the wall, watching my drunken father while considering the money left by Teacher Zhang. My understanding of Gu Yu is that she definitely doesn’t make the decision to return to school just because Teacher Zhang arrived; that thought has long been in her heart. She has a desire to learn; it’s a kindling within her. The arrival of Teacher Zhang was like a pillar of support for her, igniting that spark that had built up inside her. Thus, when Gu Yu rides on Teacher Zhang's motorcycle, holding onto her and resting her head on her shoulder, she realizes that everything is finally right.

    Scene from "Blooms of the Mountain"

    Pengpai News: What was your impression of working with Song Jia? Did you learn any acting techniques from her?

    Lan Xiya: Teacher Song Jia is a comforting and trustworthy senior I can open up to. Our first scene was a conversation at the entrance of a welfare home. Even though it was our first scene together, she couldn’t help but cry during rehearsals, and we both had to hold back tears since it wouldn’t have been appropriate for that scene. She told me, “Let’s take our time and make sure we understand what each other is saying.” That really resonated with me because, at times, while acting, you might worry about how well your part is going. But I found that when you focus your attention on your fellow actor, the emotions will naturally surface.

    Scene from "Blooms of the Mountain"

    Pengpai News: Gu Yu leaves the mountains only to return, a decision even Teacher Zhang tries earnestly to dissuade her against. What is your perspective on her choice? Do you think she might regret it decades down the line?

    Lan Xiya: For someone like Gu Yu, her decision was undoubtedly made long ago, so she will never regret it. Moreover, even during her time in school, Gu Yu demonstrated the early signs of becoming a Teacher Zhang figure. This teacher-student legacy will not cease with Gu Yu.

    Pengpai News: The shooting locations for "Blooms of the Mountain" were also in the mountains. Were there any unforgettable experiences during this process?

    Lan Xiya: There are so many unforgettable moments. Because the actual girls' high school is not far from us, the sounds of our filming—like the pledge and singing—often intermingled with the real students' voices, feeling almost like two parallel timelines. One scene featured real junior students from the girls' school sending off Gu Yu’s class for their college entrance exams. When they shouted from the teaching building, and we all watched paper airplanes soaring through the air, the moment was so breathtaking…it felt impossible to differentiate between the drama and reality.

    Scene from "Blooms of the Mountain"

    Learning never ends; there is always something to learn

    Pengpai News: Do you have any fun stories to share about collaborating with the other actors in the cast?

    Lan Xiya: I gained some very special friendships this time. Since we are all quite young and spend all day together, it truly felt like we were classmates. I also met my roommates, Box and Zhuo Jia. When we finished filming, we were reluctant to part ways, and everyone had puffy eyes from crying. Some friends even wrote in each other’s yearbooks. For more details, check our Weibo, where we shared many photos—what a joyous and special memory.

    Scene from "Blooms of the Mountain"

    Pengpai News: What have you learned about Zhang Guimei's deeds and stories after landing this role? How do you view and understand her?

    Lan Xiya: During our training, they shared many stories about Teacher Zhang Guimei with us. Before filming, I admired her greatly and saw her as a revered figure. However, as filming progressed, she became more vivid and lively; she wasn’t just the person we read about in the news. For example, her wish for girls to enjoy high-quality tea in the autumn…so many things reveal her to be a lovely and lively person.


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