As we bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, filmmakers’ favorite holiday films②Dec 29, 2024Reading"Little Me": They are also usDec 28, 2024ReadingPremiere | Hiroshi Shigasawa: The inspiration for filming "Like Father, Like Son" came from my bewilderment as a first-time father.Dec 01, 2024Reading"Forgiveness" Tops Film Quarterly's Best of 2024 ListNov 29, 2024ReadingDiscussion | Creating Realistic Themed Films: How to Smartly Balance HeavinessNov 27, 2024Reading": Everyone can genuinely be a 'Child'"Nov 26, 2024ReadingThe text "好东西" discusses "new things."Nov 23, 2024ReadingJia Zhangke on "Still Life": "The ones with digital cameras," shaped by the era.Nov 23, 2024ReadingLight and Shadow Blessings of the City: Shanghai - Dunedin Celebrates 30 Years of Friendship City PartnershipNov 23, 2024Reading"Good Things" stars Song Jia, Zhong Chuxi, and Wang Ju discuss their roles: the vibrant and lively characters they portray.Nov 22, 2024Reading