"Quick Chase 4": Action movies can still be powerfulMay 25, 2023Reading"Return", which was shortlisted at the last moment, appeared in Cannes, but the storm is not over yetMay 19, 2023Reading"A Date in This Life" was screened in Shanghai: a shoulder pole, the fate of three generations of rural teachers, the joys and sorrowsMay 13, 2023Reading"Guardians of the Galaxy 3": Shooting what friendship should look likeMay 10, 2023Reading007 celebrated the coronation of Charles III, and the "king's secret envoy" came to reportMay 08, 2023Reading"Guardians of the Galaxy 3": Having a group of friends is more romantic than anything elseMay 06, 2023ReadingMay 1st "Chinese Film Audience Satisfaction Survey": "The King of the Sky" received the highest scoreMay 04, 2023Reading"Prosecutor's Storm" completely went to the wrong setMay 02, 2023Reading"The King of the Sky": The motherland will eventually remember those who have dedicated themselves to the motherlandMay 01, 2023Reading"Countdown to Say I Love You": A Sweet and Sad Time CycleApr 29, 2023Reading