New drama|"Northward" will be broadcast on CCTV on March 3, starring Bai Lu and Ou HaoFeb 26, 2025Reading"Palm": "Golden Finger" has excessive gold contentFeb 12, 2025Reading"Six Sisters": Half reality mirror, half family fairy taleFeb 10, 2025ReadingNew dramas|"Palm" and "Xiantai Youshu" will be released on the same day on February 7Feb 05, 2025ReadingExclusive Interview | Director Xu Hongyu: The roots of fantasy themes are in the soil of traditional cultureJan 28, 2025Reading"National Beauty": Flowers should bloom with prideJan 16, 2025ReadingNew drama|"Under the Alien 2" is scheduled for January 18, the secret of Biyou Village will be revealedJan 13, 2025ReadingExclusive Interview | Director Xie Ze: Crafting the "Authentic Business Warfare Map" of *Pearl Drapery and Jade Curtain*Nov 19, 2024ReadingInterview | Screenwriter Yu Xiaoqian: When Creating National Themes, Avoid a Tourist MentalityOct 21, 2024ReadingInterview | Lancia: From the "Idol" Stage to "Grain Rain" in the MountainsOct 05, 2024Reading