Boonie Bears: Restart the Future: Beautiful Sci-Fi Theme FinaleFeb 02, 2025ReadingThe Count of Monte Cristo is nominated for 14 awards and leads the César Awards nominationsJan 30, 2025ReadingIn 2025, the total number of moviegoers will exceed 100 million, with a total box office of 4.546 billionJan 30, 2025ReadingGinotte Szwarc, director of 'Back in Time 70 Years', diesJan 28, 2025ReadingThe total pre-sale box office of the Spring Festival exceeded 600 millionJan 26, 2025Reading"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" pre-sale exceeds 200 million: the creators share interesting stories behind the scenes and meet for a martial arts New YearJan 24, 2025ReadingThe total pre-sale box office of the Spring Festival exceeded 400 millionJan 23, 2025Reading"Brutalist" uses AI to modify actors' lines, causing controversyJan 23, 2025Reading"Emilia Perez" leads Oscar nominations with 13 nominationsJan 23, 2025ReadingThe pre-sale box office of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Greatest Hero" exceeded 200 millionJan 23, 2025Reading